
Webbench is a web site stress testing tool for Linux that can simulate up to 30,000 concurrent connections to test a site’s load capacity

Webbench starts with multiple child processes, each of which loops through web access tests. The child tells the parent process the result through pipe, and the parent process does the final statistics.

Parameters that

webbench [option]… URL

-t: time to run Webbench.

-c: indicates the number of sub-processes.

-f: does not wait for the result.

-h: Help.

Download the 7.5 k


The installation

The tar ZXVF webbench - 1.5. Tar. GzcdWebbench -1.5 make && make installCopy the code

The webbench executable is generated in the current directory and can be used directly: webBench -c concurrency -t run test time URL

Such as:

webbench -c 1000 -t 130 http://tv.chengtang.top/
Copy the code




An open source stress testing tool that can be configured to perform concurrent access to a WEB site by multiple users, recording the corresponding time of all requests for each user, and repeating the process with a certain number of concurrent access.

Siege official: www.joedog.org/

Siege download: www.joedog.org/pub/siege/s…

Siege unpack and install:

 tar -zxvf siege-latest.tar.gz
 cd siege-latest/
make install
Copy the code

Siege use:

siege -c 100 -r 10 -f site.url
Copy the code

-c is the number of concurrent requests and -r is the number of repeats. A URL file is just a piece of text, each line is a URL, and it will be accessed randomly from inside.

Site. The content of the url:

Copy the code

Test results:


Transactions: Elapsed Time: 31.32 secs // While Elapsed time: 31.32 secs // 1.15 MB // Total data transfer 1.15 MB Response Time: 3.04 secs // Display network connection speed Transaction Rate: Concurrency 17.56 trans/ SEC // Concurrency 17.56 times per second 53.44 // Actual maximum number of concurrent transactions Successful transactions: 433 // Number of Successful transactions: 450 // Number of Failed transactions: 15.50 // Shortest Transaction per transfer: 0.42 // Shortest transaction per transfer

Reference address: blog.csdn.net/qq_33440246…