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Update record

V1.2 Chatroom added message notification function v1.2 chatroom added Turing robot

Implemented functions

Log in to

After successful login, user information will be cached in cookies

Login interface

Select your avatar, enter your nickname and click login button

The system broadcasts an online message

Send a message

Sending text messages

Sending picture messages

Log in to both users again

The left button displays the list of online users and the right button exits the chat room

@friends can chat privately

The user, Xiao Yi, could not receive the private messages of Panghu and Maruko

Sensitive word detection

Detection of text containing sensitive words using DFA algorithm

List of sensitive words

Sensitive words are configured in the resources sensitive-word. TXT file, one in a row

Send a text message containing sensitive words (here the sensitive words are hee hee and ha ha)

The crab post treatment is a random return to a socialist core values.

Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendship

Filter the log

The cancellation

Click the right button to exit the chat room. The system broadcasts the offline message, and the list of online users and the number of online users are updated automatically

Click the logout button to clear the current login information. If you do not log out, you can continue to log in with the current information

Do not log out direct login

Message undo

Double-click the message you sent to pop up the undo prompt, you can undo this message after confirming (only undo messages within 3 minutes)

The message has been revoked, and the system broadcasts the undo message

Chat record

Chat log access address http://ip: port /record.html

Enter the password to access the chat history page. The default password is Xechat

Password encryption mode

The password is encrypted in BASE64 and then encrypted in MD5 lowercase 32-bit

The encryption process

After BASE64 encryption password xechat into eGVjaGF0, and then to the MD5 32-bit lowercase into c85715fec7827f3b388af185b8e7db77 after encryption

Change the password

Replace the chatRecord. password value in the configuration file

The password is base64 encrypted and then 32-bit MD5 encrypted.
Copy the code

Enter your password and click OK

After the password is correct, the chat record file list is displayed. A. Md file is automatically generated every day in the yyyyMMdd format

Click on the file in the list to view the chat history of the day