We definitely need to develop our own BOL and GENIL.

Can the Agent Inbox be controlled to show only certain types of transactions? (We just need to show social posts)… – This can be done through configuration.

Build a new Inbox profile, including our social media, Twitter, Facebook, Weibo… I’m going to put in my new Main category. After attaching the Inbox profile to the Business Role, we can only see our new Main category on the UI

The table entry in the Inbox UI actually has a two-tier structure: our new Main category must be attached to some Inbox Item Type, assuming we’re attached to ONEORDER, the ONEORDER item type.

We just need to implement the usual read and write operations in Social Media BOL (see the service Order code), and our own operations will be called automatically at Runtime. In addition, I don’t think it needs any extra effort to add our social media BOL into the INBOX framework.

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