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** So how can a programmer survive a midlife crisis? ** Here are some of the ways I summarized to face it, I hope to be of some help to programmer friends in this stage.

Focus on the industry, do deep and strong

Unlike lawyers, doctors and business operators, programmers require better ability to learn new technologies, but require less experience. In terms of programming languages, JAVA was just getting started in early 2000 and in less than a decade had replaced C++ as the most used technical language. And GO, Groovy, Python and other up-and-comers are also developing rapidly, with the potential to catch up. This requires people in this industry to have the ability to learn technology quickly. If you’re a technophile who can learn new technical languages quickly and enjoy boring IT techniques, then continuing down the technology path is an option. After all, every industry needs people who can delve into the lowest level of technology.

Therefore, first of all, we should have a very objective judgment of our concentration, sustainability and technical ability.

2. Go the structure/management route

This route is to some extent the “experience” route of the programmer profession. Architecture/management requires not only a technical understanding, but also a wealth of industry experience, good communication skills, and a comprehensive management approach. These can be accumulated in the daily work of a programmer, thus completing the transformation of a programmer.

In general, going down this route is somewhat out of the technical context, more like going down the business management route. But this kind of opportunity is not many, so should cherish!!

3. Switch to a related industry

IT development, like language, is just a tool. It has to be combined with other business sectors to generate value. This gives techies an option to transform with the industry they previously served.

Learn a trade based on what you already have and jump across the threshold into an industry that values experience. This is the Internet’s favorite dimension reduction strike of the moment. If you work hard enough and have good learning and communication skills, this is also a good path, with lots of opportunities and space, it is recommended.

For middle-aged programmers

No matter what you choose, as long as you remain open to learning, continue to accumulate knowledge and experience, build a personal knowledge system, hone your ability to think, and often introspect, middle age is not a crisis at all for you, but a peak. I hope every middle-aged programmer friend can overcome their midlife crisis!

The end of the

In fact, it is inevitable to succeed in the interview, because I have done full preparation before, not only the pure brush questions, but also some advanced knowledge of Android core architecture.Such as: JVM, high concurrency, multithreading, caching, hot fix design interpretation, plug-in Framework And modular Framework design, images, loading Framework, network, design patterns, design ideas And code quality optimization, application performance optimization, development efficiency optimization, design patterns, load balance, algorithms, data structure, advanced UI, Framework is the kernel parsing, And promotion Roid component kernel and so on.

There are not only learning documents, videos and notes to improve learning efficiency, but also to stabilize your knowledge and form a good system of knowledge. Here, THE author shares a video and data sharing from the perspective of architecture philosophy to sort out many years of architecture experience. The latest video recorded in the preparation of nearly 6 months will bring you different inspiration and harvest.

Android Advanced Learning database

A total of ten topics, including Android advanced all learning materials, Android advanced video, Flutter, Java foundation, Kotlin, NDK module, computer networks, data structures and algorithms, micro channel small program, interview questions analysis, framework source!

Big factory interview real question

PS: Before because autumn recruit set of twenty sets of first and second line Internet companies Android interview real questions (including BAT, Xiaomi, Huawei, Meituan and Didi) and I sorted out Android review notes (including Android basic knowledge, Android extension knowledge, Android source code analysis, design mode summary, Gradle knowledge, common algorithm problems summary).

2017 — 2021 ByteDance Android Interview

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