Do site group optimization choose Hong Kong site group server rental reasons:

First point: position advantage.

Hong Kong distance from domestic is relatively close, Hong Kong server line telecom CN2 mobile unicom, so the speed is more convenient than the United States station group server to a lot of faster, this without doubt.

Second, IP resources.

The unique feature of the group server is that Hong Kong’s IP resources are relatively rich, are some new IP, IP is more, generally dozens of hundreds, or even thousands of IP have.

Third, decentralize IP.

The reason is that the unique feature of the cluster server is the scattered IP segment. Generally, the cluster server is divided into 1 segment 258IP, 4 segments 244IP, and 8 segments 232IP.

The more scattered sections, the better the inclusion and optimization. Like an IP has many stations of this, baidu and other search engines may think you this is garbage station, included may be less, if it is an IP site, included naturally will be a lot faster.

Third, bandwidth resources.

There is a point in Hong Kong server bandwidth 1M in about 300, do not be pit, say hello is exclusive or sharing, there are a lot of Hong Kong station group servers on the market now, the price and configuration also varies,

Due to the comparison of the effect of the station group server traffic, whether it is to optimize their own main station or to provide the relevant station group quick platoon service benefits are quite considerable, but for the rental station group, especially Hong Kong station group server should be how to rent can be relatively cheap, especially novice should pay attention to what problems

How to rent a Hong Kong Cluster Server for a novice?

First look at the quality of the IP address

At present, there are generally hundreds of sites in the station group system. In order to ensure that the search engine is friendly to these sites, providing an independent IP for each site is a good choice, which is conducive to search engine optimization ranking, and avoid the problem of mutual influence of the same IP site. Therefore, when selecting the site group server, we should first check whether the IP address provided by the service provider is an independent IP address, and it is best to directly search to see what bad RECORD IP has. In addition, in the selection of IP segment, it is recommended to select some configuration schemes that can provide cross-network segment (multiple different C ends). Sites built with such IP addresses are less likely to be judged as cheating by search engines, and the effect of natural SEO is better.

Hardware configuration stability

When choosing the hardware configuration of the cost of the need to consider good configuration and performance of, as we all know if started directly on the high-end machines, although can satisfy the performance demand on cost is not worthwhile, therefore to effectively balance the good hardware configuration and price, for standing group of business if the size is larger, E5 hardware configuration is recommended for hundreds of single-page sites plus site group system. If there are many pages on a single site, even more than double E5 configuration may be required, and the corresponding redundancy should be left

Choose a professional service provider

Server when renting service providers in Hong Kong, line is according to the different, so the choice is the prettiest room service room provide line, due to network line not only affects the stability of the site but also affect the efficiency of search engines included scraping of the page so the best choice to provide CN2 direct line of professional service providers, In addition, if the stability of the station group is not good, it will also affect the collection and ranking of the main station. Therefore, when choosing the server room, it is recommended to choose the server that can serve Warner Cloud to provide high-quality Hong Kong station cluster server rental. The server supports free trial and provides round-the-clock technical support. The server adopts CN2 direct connection network, with sufficient bandwidth and high stability.