Various situations can arise when you need to embed the content of an E-mail message in a Web or desktop application. In some cases, E-mail needs to be converted into a format that is easy to embed and display, and one possible solution is E-mail to PDF conversion. This article provides step-by-step instructions and code examples on how to convert E-mail to PDF using C#.

Aspose.Email is a C# class library designed to learn from NET applications create and handle popular E-mail formats internally. Used in conjunction with Aspose.Words, this API enables you to convert email to PDF format with high fidelity. (Click download)

Steps to convert email to PDF using C#

Here are the steps to convert email to PDF in C#.

  • Load E-mail files using the MailMessage class.

    // Load email message using file
    MailMessage mailMsg = MailMessage.Load("message.msg");
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  • Save E-mail as a MemoryStream object in default MHTML format.

    // Create memory stream
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    // Save email message into memory stream
    MailMessage.Save(ms, Aspose.Email.SaveOptions.DefaultMhtml);
    Copy the code
  • Create an instance of the asposite.words.LoadOptions class and set the loading format to MHTML.

    // Create and set load options
    var loadOptions = new Aspose.Words.LoadOptions();
    loadOptions.LoadFormat = LoadFormat.Mhtml;
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  • Instantiate the Aspose.words.Document class and pass MemoryStream and LoadOptions objects as arguments to its constructor.

    // Create an instance of Document and load the MTHML from MemoryStream
    var document = new Aspose.Words.Document(ms, loadOptions);
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  • Create a Aspose. Words. Saving. PdfSaveOptions instances of the class.

    // create an instance of PDFSaveOptions class
    var pdfSaveOptions = new Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
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  • Convert E-mail messages to PDF using document. Save (” email-to-pdf.pdf “, PdfSaveOptions).

    // Save email as PDF
    document.Save("email-to-pdf.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);
    Copy the code

Convert email to PDF complete code using C#

// Load email message
MailMessage mailMsg = MailMessage.Load("message.msg");

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
mailMsg.Save(ms, Aspose.Email.SaveOptions.DefaultMhtml);

// create an instance of LoadOptions and set the LoadFormat to Mhtml
var loadOptions = new Aspose.Words.LoadOptions();
loadOptions.LoadFormat = LoadFormat.Mhtml;

// create an instance of Document and load the MTHML from MemoryStream
var document = new Aspose.Words.Document(ms, loadOptions);

// create an instance of HtmlSaveOptions
var saveOptions = new Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
document.Save("email-to-pdf.pdf", saveOptions);
Copy the code

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