
As the name suggests, Vuex is a state management tool for VUE. Vue itself has store mode, in fact, is the global registration of an object, to achieve data sharing. == Suitable for small projects with little data. Vuex == is suitable for complex single-page applications, involving multi-level nesting, multi-level component transmission, and the processing of a state or interface by different views.

First, the five core of VUEX

Mutations 4.Actions 5.Module vuex four auxiliary functions mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions

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  • Gold digging address: how to use the auxiliary function and its principle link…

Ii. Vuex workflow

1. Client action event, dispatch invokes an Action 2. 4. The corresponding view is rerendered after the state value is changed. 4

Here’s my flow chart

Graph LR A[client] -- event call dispatch --> B((Action)) C(State) -- State modify render --> A B -- commit A type --> D{Mutation} D -- matches the type operation state --> CCopy the code

Application in VUEX project

NPM installation == NPM == NPM install -g vue-cli vue init webpack Hello NPM install vuex –save ==yarn== yarn install -g vue-cli vue init webpack hello yarn add vuex

2. Create a store file. Create a store file in the SRC directory and create an index file in it

Create a basic vuex structure in store/index.js

import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';


export const store = new Vuex.Store({
        state : {
        getters: {doCount: (state, getters) = > {
                return getters.doneTodos.length
              // The first argument to getters is state, and the second is getters itself
            doneTodos:(state) = >{
                return state.count+2}},mutations : {
            counts(state, v) {
                state.count = v;
            addNum(state,v) {
                    state.count += v
                    state.count ++
            reduceNum(state) {
                state.count --
        actions : {
            actionNumAdd(v) {
                // axios.get("/customer/user_info").then(res => {
                // v.commit(addNum,;
                // });
                The first parameter is the name of the mutation, and the second parameter is the value passed
            actionNumReduce(v) {
                // axios.get("/customer/user_info").then(res => {
                // v.commit(addNum,;
                // });
                The first parameter is the name of the mutation, and the second parameter is the value passed

                v.commit('reduceNum'.6); }}})Copy the code

4. Next, call vuex

The following instance calls are all helper functions, based on the newly created app. vue instance

<template> <div id="app"> <input v-model="counts" /> <input v-model="getternum" /> <button @click="addnum1">mutation+1</button> <button @click="actionnum6">action+6</button> <img src="./assets/logo.png"> <router-view/> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState , mapMutations , mapActions , mapGetters } from 'vuex'; export default { data(){ return{ } }, computed:{ ... mapState({ counts:(state) => state.count }), ... mapGetters({ getternum:'doneTodos' }) }, methods:{ ... mapMutations({ addnum:'addNum' }), ... mapActions({ actionnum:'actionNumAdd' }), addnum1(){ this.addnum() }, actionnum6(){ this.actionnum() } } } </script>Copy the code

1. The initial value is count 6, call count = 6 2 with mapState. Call with mapGetters and base increment by 2, so the second count is 8 and does not affect the value of state

How are auxiliary functions used? And the principle of

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In-depth study of vuEX state management split and modular processing

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