1. Vue3 compilation process

Template ==> ast === => render

Template ==> Abstract syntax tree ==> Render function

The call stack

Directory location: VUE-next/Packages/Runtime-core/SRC /component.ts

mountComponent —> setupComponent —> finishComponentSetup

MountComponent simplifies the process

Directory: packages \ runtime – core \ SRC \ the renderer ts

// 1. Create an instance
const instance = createComponentInstance(...) // Create a component instance
/ /...
// 2 component setup is similar to vue2_init merge merge options, // attribute initialization // data responsive // slot processing
/ /...
// Install render function side effect
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Inside the finishComponent method

    // ...
    if(compile && Component.template && ! Component.render) {if (__DEV__) {
        startMeasure(instance, `compile`)}// Only the global version with the compiled version will have this step
      // (break point hit here step by step to see)
      Component.render = compile(Component.template, {  // Compile template to generate the render function
        isCustomElement: instance.appContext.config.isCustomElement,
        delimiters: Component.delimiters
      if (__DEV__) {
        endMeasure(instance, `compile`)}}/ /...
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About the dev-compiler command (see compilation optimizations for VUe3)

npm run dev
npm run dev-compiler
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Open the localhost: 5000

Go to the Packages/template-Explorer directory

You can see the template compiled

1. Static node prompt

The following is a code generated string

const _Vue = Vue const { createVNode: Const _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("p", null, "1", -1 /* HOISTED */) const _hoisted_2 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("p", null, "2", -1 /* HOISTED */) const _hoisted_3 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("p", null, "3", -1 /* HOISTED */) const _hoisted_4 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("p", null, "4", -1 /* HOISTED */) return function render(_ctx, _cache) { with (_ctx) { const { toDisplayString: _toDisplayString, createVNode: _createVNode, Fragment: _Fragment, openBlock: _openBlock, createBlock: _createBlock } = _Vue return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_Fragment, null, [ _createVNode("p", null, _toDisplayString(counter), 1 /* TEXT */), _hoisted_1, _hoisted_2, _hoisted_3, _hoisted_4 ], 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */)) } }Copy the code

2. Patch marking and dynamic property recording

The template

<div :title='hello'>Hello World! </div> <p>LALA~~</p>Copy the code
import { createVNode as _createVNode, Fragment as _Fragment, openBlock as _openBlock, createBlock as _createBlock } from "vue" const _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("p", null, "LALA~~", -1 /* HOISTED */) export function render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_Fragment, null, [ _createVNode("div", { title: _ctx.hello}, "hello World!", 8 /* PROPSCopy the code

If patchFlag is 8, only properties need to be updated to 0B1000

If patchFlag is 1, only dynamic text 0B0001 is available

PatchFlag 9 indicates that there are attributes and dynamic text that need to be updated and compared with patch 0B10011

CacheHandlers cache events to avoid duplication

Replace the template for

<div :title='hello'>Hello World! </div> <p @click="onclick">LALA~~</p>Copy the code
import { createVNode as _createVNode, Fragment as _Fragment, openBlock as _openBlock, createBlock as _createBlock } from "vue" export function render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_Fragment, null, [ _createVNode("div", { title: _ctx.hello }, "Hello World!", 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]), _createVNode("p", { onClick: _cache [1] | | (_cache [1] = (... the args) = > (_ctx. Onclick args (...))) / / event will save to _cache [1]}, "LALA ~ ~"), 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */)) }Copy the code

4, Code blocks have dynamic nodes that are saved (with arrays) for comparison when traversing

Create a block

_createBlock(_Fragment, null, [ _createVNode("div", { title: _ctx.hello }, "Hello World!", 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]), _createVNode("p", { onClick: _cache [1] | | (_cache [1] = (... the args) = > (_ctx. Onclick args (...))) / / event will save to _cache [1]}, "LALA ~ ~"), 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */)) }Copy the code

// Save dynamic nodes in the virtual node vNode property dynamicChildren (array)

Vue3 Asynchronous update policy

Starting Point:

The component update method is an effect update function

const setupRenderEffect: SetupRenderEffectFn = ( instance, initialVNode, container, anchor, parentSuspense, isSVG, Optimized) => {// create reactive effect for rendering instance.update = effect(function componentEffect() { / /... }, __DEV__ ? createDevEffectOptions(instance) : prodEffectOptions) }Copy the code
const prodEffectOptions = {
  scheduler: queueJob,  // This is where it happens
  // #1801, #2043 component render effects should allow recursive updates
  allowRecurse: true
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1. Effect method

export function effect<T = any> (fn: () => T, options: ReactiveEffectOptions = EMPTY_OBJ) :ReactiveEffect<T> {
  if (isEffect(fn)) {
    fn = fn.raw
  const effect = createReactiveEffect(fn, options)
  if(! options.lazy) { effect() }return effect
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The impact of scheduler in Options is not found

function createReactiveEffect<T = any> (fn: () => T, options: ReactiveEffectOptions) :ReactiveEffect<T> {
  const effect = function reactiveEffect() :unknown {
    if(! effect.active) {return options.scheduler ? undefined : fn()
    if(! effectStack.includes(effect)) { cleanup(effect)try {
        activeEffect = effect
        return fn()
      } finally {
        activeEffect = effectStack[effectStack.length - 1]}}}asReactiveEffect effect.id = uid++ effect.allowRecurse = !! options.allowRecurse effect._isEffect =true
  effect.active = true
  effect.raw = fn
  effect.deps = []
  effect.options = options // Put options here
  return effect
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About trigger trigger updates

The trigger is found to use scheduler

  const run = (effect: ReactiveEffect) = > {
    if (__DEV__ && effect.options.onTrigger) {
    if (effect.options.scheduler) { // Found here
    } else {

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2. About executing the update task

Location: Packages run-time core SRC scheduler.ts

export function queueJob(job: SchedulerJob) {
  // the dedupe search uses the startIndex argument of Array.includes()
  // by default the search index includes the current job that is being run
  // so it cannot recursively trigger itself again.
  // if the job is a watch() callback, the search will start with a +1 index to
  // allow it recursively trigger itself - it is the user's responsibility to
  // ensure it doesn't end up in an infinite loop.
  if((! queue.length || ! queue.includes( job, isFlushing && job.allowRecurse ? flushIndex +1: flushIndex )) && job ! == currentPreFlushParentJob ) { queue.push(job)// Push effect to queue

function queueFlush() { FlushJobs specifies the effect function stored in queue
  if(! isFlushing && ! isFlushPending) { isFlushPending =true
    currentFlushPromise = resolvedPromise.then(flushJobs)
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Vue3 patch process

1. First of all, vNode changes: Children can be arrays or text

DynamicChildren and dynamicProps record dynamic nodes and attribute comparison to reduce traversal operations

3, patchFlag dynamic content directory location: packages\shared\ SRC \ PatchFlags.ts

4. ShapeFlag Component shape (whether component or teleport)


export const enum ShapeFlags {
  ELEMENT = 1,
  FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT = 1 << 1.// 2 function components
  STATEFUL_COMPONENT = 1 << 2.// 4 Status components
  TEXT_CHILDREN = 1 << 3.// 8 text children
  ARRAY_CHILDREN = 1 << 4.// 16 array children
  SLOTS_CHILDREN = 1 << 5.// 32 slots for children
  TELEPORT = 1 << 6./ / transfer
  SUSPENSE = 1 << 7./ / suspense
  COMPONENT_SHOULD_KEEP_ALIVE = 1 << 8.// The component that should be cached
  COMPONENT_KEPT_ALIVE = 1 << 9.// The cached component

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About patchKeyChildren Diff algorithm


1, pinch head 2, pinch tail 3, how directly insert the new 4, how directly delete the old 5, according to the old (way) traverse one by one findCopy the code