// Filter discoloration

brightenKeyword(val, keyword) {
   val = val + ' ';
   if(val.indexOf(keyword) ! == -1 && keyword ! = =' ') {
        return val.replace(keyword, '<font color="#409EFF">' + keyword + '</font>')}else {
      returnBrightenKeyword (val, keyword) {const Reg = new RegExp(keyword,'i');
    if (val) {
        return val.replace(Reg, `<span style="color: #409EFF;">${keyword}</span>`); }}Copy the code

// How to use it

<el-table-column label="Maintenance Content">
   <template slot-scope="scope">
      <span v-html="brightenKeyword(scope.row.strContent, filters.strContent)" ></span>
Copy the code

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