Definition of vue2 global components

import ScreenFull from '@/components/FUllScreen'
// Use plugins
const MyPlugin = {
  install(Vue) {
    Vue.component(, PageTool)
    // console.log(' plug-in registration, call install, passed as argument ', Vue)
    // Add this functionality to the prototype of Vue's constructor
    // Add global filter, component,
    Vue.component(, ScreenFull)
export default MyPlugin
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The main. In js:

import MyPlugin from '@/plugin'
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Vue3 global component definition

import XtxCarousel from './xtx-carousel.vue'

const myPlugin = {
  install (app) {
    // app is an instance of vue
    // app.component.component.component.component.component.component.object
    app.component(, XtxCarousel)

export default myPlugin
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In the main. In js:

// Import global components
import myPlugin from '@/components/index'

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Both are implemented by calling the install method,

Vue2 is called with a parameter to the vue constructor, which mounts the component to the prototype chain of vue.

Vue3 is called with a new instance of vue

Call the Component method in the same way, passing two arguments, the first component name and the second component object

In the main. In js:

Both use.use() to mount components for global use