The original

Since the advent of Vue, the heat has not decreased, the front end of each community will often appear vUe-related posts, and many peers will choose to use Vue to copy an application to learn and use. This project mainly collects Web Apps built on Vue. The name of the project abbreviates Web Apps to WAS, implying that Vue once had such an atmosphere and at such a time, people loved it so much. Of course, I believe the future will be the same.

I saw a lot of Web apps that were well written, but few people could find them, so I thought about collecting them. At the same time, pure collection is a little boring, so I wrote a small thing with Vue, you can scan the following TWO-DIMENSIONAL code to experience, but the picture may be slow to load.

Anyway, I hope you can provide more information and give star to these projects. I will continue to maintain this project.

In addition, it should be noted that the same App (for example, Douban Movie) in this project may have many on the SegmentFault alone. I don’t mean to offend you, but I just choose one of them to avoid too much repetition.

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App data collected at present

The name of the Preview the address The article The warehouse address
Bi li bi Demo SegmentFault Github
The cat’s eye film Demo SegmentFault Github
Douban film Demo SegmentFault Github
Drops travel Demo SegmentFault Github
WeChat Demo SegmentFault Github
Sina weibo Demo SegmentFault Github
Tencent’s class Demo SegmentFault Github
Tencent sports Demo SegmentFault Github
Idle fish Demo SegmentFault Github
Hungry? Demo SegmentFault Github
HOME LINK Demo Jane’s book Github
Today’s headline Demo SegmentFault Github
Zhihu daily Demo SegmentFault Github
V2EX Demo SegmentFault Github
CNode Demo SegmentFault Github
ONE. A Demo SegmentFault Github
Netease Cloud Music Demo SegmentFault Github
Especially big blog Demo SegmentFault Github
The train ticket Demo SegmentFault Github
Love the news Demo SegmentFault Github
nReader Demo SegmentFault Github
Micro beans Demo SegmentFault Github
King box Demo SegmentFault Github

This program is for study and exchange only.

Welcome to contribute more interesting Vue Web apps to this project.

In addition, if there is any problem, please email me: [email protected].