$emit(‘ functions ‘,’ functions ‘); $emit(‘ functions ‘,’ functions ‘); $emit(‘ functions ‘,’ functions ‘); The child component uses $emit to trigger the parent component’s function, but the two sibling components do this to each other

<div id='app'>
 	var children1 = {};
 	var children2 = {};
	var vm = new Vue({
Copy the code

Now we are going to pass the data from the children1 component to the Children2 component primarily using $on() and $emit() in the vUE instance

	<div id='app'>
	    var Event = new Vue({}); // Create a vue instance to use as a medium for passing values
	 	var children1 = {
< button@click ='send'> Click on me to send data to the children2 component
.data(){ return { msg:'I'm sending the data for Children2'}},methods: {send(){ Event.$emit('go'.this.msg) } } }; var children2 = { template:` < div > < h2 > from children1 component receives value: {{msg1}} < / h2 > < / div > `.data(){ return{ msg1:' '}},created(){ Event.$on('go'.(v) = > { // Must use the arrow function because this this.msg1 = v; })}};var vm = new Vue({ el:'#app'.components:{ children1, children2 } })
</script> Copy the code

The chilren1 component sends data usingEvent.$emit()The Chilren2 component wants to receive data to useEevent.$on()