Vue Technology LLC is hiring!


Full time Open source developer

Job content

Participate in the development and maintenance of vue. js official projects. Including but not limited to:

  • Daily bug fixes and new feature development for Vue warehouse (core, Router, vuex, CLI, devTools…)

  • Infrastructure/workflow improvements such as:

    • Set up automatic canary/nightly Release (periodically)
    • Build Vue release cycle visualization application
    • Build Vue RFC visualization/voting/management application
    • Build cross-warehouse regression testing system
    • Develop improved Vue performance benchmarks and a visualization system that collects data through CI

In general, while Vue is a front-end framework, working on more than just the “front end” will give you the opportunity to touch everything from the bottom of the framework to application development, build tools, engineering, and open source collaboration.

Capacity requirements

  • Deep understanding of JavaScript language, familiar with Node.js, familiar with Unix system (macOS/Linux).
  • Inquisitiveness, extensive knowledge of the JavaScript ecosystem, understanding of different frameworks, tools, libraries, and beyond your comfort zone.
  • Good Command of English, can easily read English documents, fluently conduct written technical communication in English, and can directly watch foreign technical speech videos without subtitles. Oral English is not required, but bonus points for excellent oral English.
  • Strong ability to study, know how to read documents, how to use Google, dare to look at the source.
  • There is no hard and fast requirement for seniority, fresh graduates can also, but must meet the above conditions.
  • Bonus points: Familiarity with TypeScript/Flow
  • Bonus: Non-toy open source projects with your own or core developer involvement.
  • Bonus points: Contributed non-trivial PR to Vue or another well-known open source project.

Benefits and Benefits

  • The salary starts from 25K/month, not capped, depending on ability. As long as you’re helpful, we can talk.
  • Telecommuting, unlimited locations, flexible hours.
  • I’ll walk you through it for a while, and you’ll gain a unique insight into Vue’s internal implementation and maintenance of open source projects.
  • All travel expenses related to Vue in China will be reimbursed

How to apply for

  • Please send an email to [email protected] title format: Vue position application < your name >
  • Talk about why you think you’d be a good fit, including your resume and Your GitHub ID.
  • Don’t leave a message here. You may not read it. The title format is not penalized oh.
  • Hire only one person, in principle.
  • If the number of applications is too large, we cannot guarantee the reply of every application, please forgive me.