Many online said that their VUE project through Webpack generated list file, put HBulider packaging, open a blank through the mobile phone. The main reason for this is path problems.

1. Remember to change the export path of bulid module in index.js under config. Because the contents of index. HTML are imported through script tags, and your path is not correct, you must open blank. Take a look at the default path.

AssetsPublicPath defaults to ‘/’, which is the root directory. Our index. HTML and static are in the same directory. So it’s going to be ‘./ ‘

2. There is another point to note. SRC Router /index.js router/index.js router/index.js router/index.js router/index.js SRC router/index.js router/index.js So switch to hash or just delete the schema configuration and leave it as the default. To use history mode at all, you need to add a candidate resource on the server that covers all cases: if the URL doesn’t match any static resource, you should return an index.html page that your app depends on.

// mode: ‘history’ // default hash