
On the front end, I guess most of the first projects my friends do are related to shopping malls/forums. Handsome Koha is no exception. His first project in college is also a mall. Well, we are all the same. Is there a very greasy feeling, nothing new at all? Now let the handsome Koba take you out of this feeling, hand in hand to teach you to build a live platform!!

The preparatory work

1. Fundamentals

The following terms default smart you are already mastered!!

(1) it

(2) range

(3) the javascript

(4) mysql database and basic add, delete, change and check syntax

(5) Vue.js foundation

(6) Node.js

2. Environment related

2.1 the editor

Well, as the saying goes, a good editor is an efficiency accelerator for developers. In terms of front-end development, the handsome Koha recommends webStorm and VS Code for the smart guys. Oba Koba is currently a vs Code die-hard. What? You say Webstrom works? I don’t listen! I don’t listen!

2.2 the node. Js environment

Well, this should be easy, right? Download it directly from node.js and install it by clicking on it. After installation. Black plate, black plate, black plate. Win key + R key enter CMD and press Enter, open CMD (command prompt), later shortened to open CMD command!

Open CMD and type node -v and NPM -v respectively. If a message similar to the following is displayed, it indicates that node.js is successfully installed.

NPM sources are slow to download for some unspeakable reason, so there are two ways to solve this problem. All are in the CMD command directly into the broad to ~

1. NPM sets taobao source

npm config set registry
Copy the code

2. Install CNPM globally

npm install cnpm -g
Copy the code

2.3 installation vue – cli3

Vue – cli3? What the hell is this? Hey, guys, don’t worry. This is a good thing. With this, you can marry Baifumei and move on to life… Cough, toward peak efficiency. Vue-cli is a productivity tool for VUE developers like Obba Koha. CMD command line interface.

npm install -g @vue/cli
Copy the code

When we type vue -v (uppercase V, uppercase), the CMD command line shows the following figure, indicating that vuE-CLI3 has been successfully installed

2.4 mysql Database

Well, this za don’t say much, online tutorial a pile of, really can’t directly under a WAMP/XMAPP (SAO year, I think you have a gift, to learn PHP with me). Kohane will use docker to install mysql. I have to say, docker smells good. If you want to use Docker to install mysql, you can click on the portal.

2.5 Live streaming tool

Are you curious about how anchors broadcast and record? Yes, it is, the famous OBS, directly download and install to the broad ~

3. End result

DJ first, DJ first, ahem, picture… Otherwise you horny guys will not fall for it!

What will be implemented

(1) Registration function

(2) Login function

(3) Exit the login function

(4) Live broadcast function

(5) Real-time barrage function

(6) Live broadcast room search function

Well, the relevant introduction and preparation work has been completed, the next chapter is about to open lu, think koba taught also broad to get the words point wave attention bai ~

Ps: pure original, reproduced please indicate the source