1. The parent component can use props to pass data to the child component. Child components can use $emit to trigger custom events for parent components. Parent/child communication, using props to pass values

 Vue.component('Child',{template: '<div> child component <inputtype="text" v-model = 'childData'/>
     props:['childData'}) //2. Use props in the child component to receive data from the parent component After binding, you can use Vue.com Ponent ('Parent', {data() {return{
             msg:"I'm the parent component's data."}}, template: '<div> Parent <Child :childData='msg'></Child>

var App ={
    template:'<div><Parent /></div>'
var vm = new Vue({
    el:'#app'.data() {return{



    template:'<App />'
Copy the code

Child parent communication

 Vue.component('Child', {template:'
child component
.props: ['childData']})//1. Bind custom attributes to the parent component first //2. In the child component, use props to receive data passed by the parent component //3. After binding, it can be used arbitrarily in child components Vue.component('Parent',{ data(){ return{ msg:"I'm the parent component's data."}},template:'
Parent component // here bind event
methods:{ childHandler(){ } } }) var App ={ template:'<div><Parent /></div>' } var vm = new Vue({ el:'#app', data(){ return{}},components:{ App }, template:'<App />' }) Copy the code