“This is the 23rd day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

Vue.js source code analysis – parse

The parse parser parses a template into an abstract language tree (AST). Only after the template is parsed into an AST can it be used to optimize or generate code strings.

Template compilation process baseCompile

Before we learn about the parse function, we need to know how and when it is called

BaseCompile: SRC/compiler/index.js baseCompile: SRC/compiler/index.js baseCompile: SRC/compiler/index.js

  1. callparseConvert the template into an AST abstract syntax tree, and thenOptimize the abstract syntax tree
  2. callgenerateThe abstract syntax tree generates js code in string form
  3. Returns an object containing the following data contents:
    • ast
    • render(Rendering function) (not hererenderFunction, but a string of data, needstoFunctionTo function form)
    • staticRenderFns(Static render function, generate static)

Parse functions

  • src\compiler\index.js
    • Convert the template toastAbstract syntax tree
    • Abstract syntax tree, used to describe code structure in a tree-like manner
    const ast = parse(template.trim(), options)
    Copy the code
  • src\compiler\parser\index.js
    Copy the code

Tool Page Recommendation

View the AST tree

Processing of structured instructions

  • V-if ultimately generates the unit expression
// src\compiler\parser\index.js
// structural directives
// Structured directives
// v-for

// src\compiler\codegen\index.js
export function genIf (el: any, state: CodegenState, altGen? :Function, altEmpty? : string) :string {
    el.ifProcessed = true // avoid recursion
    return genIfConditions(el.ifConditions.slice(), state, altGen, altEmpty)
// Finally call genIfConditions to generate ternary expressions
Copy the code
  • V-if final compilation result
ƒ anonymous(
) {
        return _c('div', {attrs: {"id":"app"}},[
            _v(""), (msg)? _c('p',[_v(_s(msg))]):_e(),_v(""),
            _c('comp', {on: {"myclick":onMyClick}})
        ],1)}}Copy the code

V-if/V-for structured directives can only be processed at compile time, and if we want to process conditions or loops in the render function we can only use if and for in JS

Vue.component('comp', {
    data: () {
        return {
            msg: 'my comp'
    render (h) {
        if (this.msg) {
            return h('div'.this.msg)
        return h('div'.'bar')}})Copy the code

Parse functions

The parse function iterates through the template string and converts the HTML template string into an AST object. The HTML property page instructions are stored in the AST properties