Using aliyun’s slider verification, first register and apply for appKey.

  1. Public > index.html to introduce JS
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="Width =device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">
    <! -- Domestic use -->
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script>
    <! If your main users are from overseas, please use the following JS resources instead -->
    <! -- <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> -->
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  1. Create a file no-captcha.vue
  <div id="__nc" style="width:100%; margin-bottom:20px;">
    <div id="nc"></div>
export default {
  name: "machineCheck".data() {
    return {
      platform: ' '.isWeChat: false,}},mounted() {
    // this.platformfunc (
  props: {
    logVal: Number
  methods: {
    // Determine the model system
    platformFunC() {
      const u = navigator.userAgent;
      const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
      let isAndroid = u.indexOf('Android') > -1 || u.indexOf('Adr') > -1; / / android terminal
      letisiOS = !! u.match(/\(i[^;] +; ( U;) ? CPU.+Mac OS X/); / / ios terminal
      let weChat = ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) = ="micromessenger";
      if (isiOS) {
        this.platform = 'ios';
      } else if (isAndroid) {
        this.platform = 'android';
      this.isWeChat = weChat;
      let _that = this
      // instantiate nc
      const nc_token = ["The appKey you applied for", (new Date()).getTime(), Math.random()].join(':');
      const nc = NoCaptcha.init({
        renderTo: '#nc'.appkey: 'appKey you applied for'.scene: 'nc_message_h5'.token: nc_token,
        trans: {"key1": "code200"},
        elementID: ["usernameID"].is_Opt: 0.language: "cn".timeout: 10000.retryTimes: 5.errorTimes: 5.inline: false.apimap: {
          // 'analyze': '//',
          // 'uab_Url': '//',
        bannerHidden: false.initHidden: false.callback: function (data) {
          data.nc_token = nc_token
          data.scene = 'nc_message_h5'
          let dataArr = data
          _that.$emit('ncData', dataArr)
          if (_that.logVal === 1) {
          if (_that.platform === 'ios') {
          } else if (_that.platform === 'android') {

          // console.log(data)
          // window.console && console.log('nc_token:' + nc_token)
          // window.console && console.log(' csessionId: '+ data.csessionid)
          // window.console && console.log('sig:' + data.sig)
        error: function (s) {}}); NoCaptcha.setEnabled(true);
      nc.reset();// Be sure to call the reset() method once

      NoCaptcha.upLang('cn', {
        'LOADING':"Loading..."./ / load
        'SLIDER_LABEL': "Please swipe right to verify.".// Wait for the slide
        'CHECK_Y':"Verified"./ / by
        'ERROR_TITLE':"I'm very sorry, this is a mistake..."./ / intercept
        'CHECK_N':"Verification failed".// Prepare to wake up secondary validation
        'OVERLAY_INFORM':"Risk detected in your current operating environment, please enter the verification code.".// Double check
        'TIPS_TITLE':"Verification code error, please re-enter"// The verification code is incorrectly entered
    childMethod() {
      // console.log(this.$parent.$parent)
      this.$parent.$parent.reSendCode(); }}}</script>

<style scoped></style>
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  1. Introduce the above components in pages that require slider validation
    <section class="four_container">
      <div class="form_section">
          <el-form-item label="Name" style="padding-left: 14px">
              placeholder="Please fill in your identification name."
          <el-form-item label="Certificate No.">
              placeholder="Please fill in your id number."
          <el-form-item label="Mobile phone Number">
            <div class="getCodeBox">
                placeholder="Please fill in your cell phone number."
                :class="isSendCode ? 'sendCode' : 'sendCode_no'"
                @click="isSendCode ? sendCode() : ''"
                {{ codeText }}

          <el-form-item label="Verification code">
              placeholder="Please enter your mobile verification code."
          :class="isSearchData ? 'search_button_op' : 'search_button'"
          @click="isSearchData ? submit_search() : ''"
        >The query</p>

import axiosApi from ".. /.. /.. /network/dataRequest/DataRequest.js";
import machineCheck from ".. /.. /.. /components/comMon/no-captcha.vue";
import axios from "axios";

export default {
  name: "".data() {
    return {
      isSendCode: false.// Whether the send verification code button can be clicked
      isSearchData: false.// Check whether the button can be clicked
      codeText: "Obtain captcha code".// SMS verification code
      codeStatus: 0.// The status of sending the verification code
      totalTime: 60.// Total countdown time
      interverTime: null./ / timer
      ncShow: false.// Man-machine check display hidden
      nc_DataArr: {},
      code_form: {
        captchaType: "scoreOffline".nc_token: "".phoneNumber: "".scene: "".sessionId: "".sig: "",},search_form: {
        captcha: "".cardNo: "".userName: "".userPhone: "",}}; },watch: {},
  props: {},
  components: { machineCheck },
  mounted() {},
  methods: {
    ncData(ncData) {
      this.nc_DataArr = ncData;
    // Click send verification code
    sendCode() {
      // Prevent users from clicking again
      if (!this.interverTime) {
        if (this.search_form.userPhone) {
          // Check whether the user's phone number is correct
          if (!/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(this.search_form.userPhone.trim())) {
            this.ncShow = false;
              showClose: true.message: "Mobile phone number format error".type: "error"});return false;
          } else {
            this.nc_DataArr = {};
            if (this.nc_DataArr.code ! = =0) {
              this.ncShow = true;
              return false;
            this.reSendCode(); }}else {
          this.ncShow = false;
            showClose: true.message: "Cell phone number cannot be empty.".type: "error"}); }}},// Send the duplicate part of the verification code
    reSendCode() {

      this.code_form = {
        captchaType: "scoreOffline".nc_token: this.nc_DataArr.nc_token,
        phoneNumber: this.search_form.userPhone,
        scene: "nc_message_h5".sessionId: this.nc_DataArr.csessionid,
        sig: this.nc_DataArr.sig,
      let that = this;
      axiosApi.captchaUserMachineSendApi(this.code_form).then((res) = > {
        if ( == 0) {
          that.ncShow = false;
        } else {
            showClose: true.message:,
            type: "error"}); } that.ncShow =false;
    // Start the timer
    startTime() {
      this.codeStatus = 1;
      this.isSendCode = false;
      this.interverTime = setInterval(() = > {
        this.codeText = this.totalTime + "Retrieve in seconds";
        if (this.totalTime <= 0) {
          this.clearTime(); }},1000);
    // Clear the timer and initialize the data
    clearTime() {
      this.totalTime = 60;
      this.codeText = "Obtain captcha code";
      this.codeStatus = 0;
      this.interverTime = null;
      this.isSendCode = true; ,}}};</script>

<style scoped lang="scss" rel="stylesheet/scss"></style>
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