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Vue component implementation

We learned the concept of Vue components/component values/and small examples. In the last article we practiced a progress bar.

In this article, we will continue our hands-on walkthrough of Little Chestnut, practice todolist, and optimize it

2. todoList

TodoList implementation code with comments for each step (Method 1)

<div id="box">
  <my-form :add="add" :query="query"></my-form>
  <my-list :todos="todos" :del="del"></my-list>
Copy the code
  var myForm = {
    props: ['add'.'query'].// Receive two methods passed by the parent component
    data() {
      return {
        str: ' ',}},template: 
.methods: { addItem(str) { this.add(str) // STR text box input this.str = ' ' // Empty the text box}},}var myList = { props: ['todos'.'del'].template: `
  • {{ index }} {{ item.text }}
} var vm = new Vue({ el: '#box'.components: { myList, myForm, }, data: { todos: [{text: 'learning TypeScript'.flag: true}, { text: 'Learn the Vue3 source code'.flag: true}, { text: 'And then the whole cattle project, it was an eye-opener.'.flag: true},],},methods: { add(str) { // Receives data from the child component that calls this method this.todos.push({ "text": str, flag: true }) // Add a project }, del(index) { // Receive the subcomponent data. The subcomponent calls the method del to delete according to the subscript this.todos.splice(index, 1)},query(str) { // Receives the child component's data. The child component calls the method query to look up the data based on STR this.todos.forEach((item) = > { if(item.text.includes(str)) { item.flag = true // true: found } else { item.flag = false // false indicates that the search criteria are not met } }) } }, }) </script> Copy the code

Modify todoList for componentized implementation code and annotations for each step (Method 2)

<div id="box">
  <my-form :add="add" :query="query" @child="receive"></my-form>
  <my-list :todos="todos" :del="del"></my-list>
Copy the code
  var myForm = {
    props: ['add'.'query'].// Receive two methods passed by the parent component
    data() {
      return {
        msg: ' ',}},template: ` 
.methods: { addItem() { this.add() // Text box input this.msg = ' ' // Empty the text box }, input() { this.$emit("child".this.msg) // Sends the text box input to the parent component}}},var myList = { props: ['todos'.'del'].template: `
  • {{ index }} {{ item.text }}
} var vm = new Vue({ el: '#box'.components: { myList, myForm, }, data: { todos: [{text: 'learning TypeScript'.flag: true}, { text: 'Learn the Vue3 source code'.flag: true}, { text: 'And then the whole cow project, and then wow everyone! '.flag: true},],},methods: { add(str) { // Receives data from the child component that calls this method this.todos.push({ "text": str, flag: true }) // Add a project }, del(index) { // Receive the subcomponent data. The subcomponent calls the method del to delete according to the subscript this.todos.splice(index, 1)},query(str) { // Receives the child component's data. The child component calls the method query to look up the data based on STR this.todos.forEach((item) = > { if(item.text.includes(str)) { item.flag = true // true: found } else { item.flag = false // false indicates that the search criteria are not met}})},receive(p) { this.str = p } }, }) </script> Copy the code