Writing a large screen recently requires the introduction of a native Gaud map

Just think of a simple package to avoid repeated wheel!

Introduction to Gord map

Autonavi official website DEMO- visit here

If AMap is not defined, go to here

The idea is simple: create an amap.js file and write all the map functions into amap.js


    <div :style="height:300px">

<! -- Basic map -->

      <div id="container"></div>





import amap from "@/utils/subeiMap/amap.js";

export default {

  name: 'index'.

  data() { return{}},

  mounted() {

// map - Initializes the display map

// Pass in the map ID







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  • Amap. Js file

import AMap from 'AMap'

let map

let marker

const isTest = false

/ / center

const locationTest = {

 lat: '108.967391'.

 lng: '34.272724'


/ / coordinates of points

const makersTest = [{

 name: 'Happy Forest Zone Resettlement Community'.

 address: Dongsheng Bei Lu, Xincheng District, Xi 'an city, Shaanxi Province.

DeviceStatus: 2, // status, used to display the status of each point

 location: {

  lat: '108.967391'.

  lng: '34.272724'


}, {

 name: 'Custom icon'.

 address: Dongsheng Bei Lu, Xincheng District, Xi 'an city, Shaanxi Province.

DeviceStatus: 3, // status, used to display the status of each point

 location: {

  lat: '108.956843'.

  lng: '34.267785'



/ / area

const areasTest = [{

 name: 'Xi 'an'.



 name: 'Bright zone'.



 name: 'Guangzhou'.



// Map initialization can achieve points, 1 initialization, map level, a point as the center, custom effect

function mapInit(obj) {

 console.log("Initialize --")

 let center

 if (isTest) {

  center = [locationTest.lat, locationTest.lng]

 } else {

  center = ['108.956843'.'34.267785']


 map = new AMap.Map(obj, {

  mapStyle: 'amap://styles/darkblue'// Customize the effect

  resizeEnable: true.

  rotateEnable: false.

  pitchEnable: false.

  expandZoomRange: true.

Zoom: 10, // Set the map level

// zooms: [9, 20], // Set the zoom level

Center: center // Set the center point


 return map


// map - punctuation (single or multiple)

function map_addMaker(makers, callback) {

 if (isTest) {

// Multiple test points loop

  makersTest.forEach((item) => {

// Create a point

   marker = new AMap.Marker({

// icon: icon, // icon

ImageSize: new amap. Size(22, 28), // icon Size(32, 32),

Position: [item.location.lat, item.location. LNG], // coordinates

    offset: new AMap.Pixel(-12, 0)



   marker.name = item.name

// Add a click event to the tag, passing in the corresponding argument

   marker.on('click', (e) => {

    // console.log("Trigger point click event" + e)




 } else {

// Create a point

  marker = new AMap.Marker({

// icon: icon, // icon

ImageSize: new amap. Size(22, 28), // icon Size(32, 32),

Position: [makers. Location. lat, makers. Location. LNG], // coordinates

   offset: new AMap.Pixel(-12, 0)



  marker.name = makers.name

// Add a click event to the tag, passing in the corresponding argument

  marker.on('click', (e) => {

   // console.log("Trigger point click event" + e)





// Map - Area display

function map_addArea(area) {

 let areasData

 if (isTest) {

  areasData = areasTest

 } else {

  areasData = area


 AMap.service('AMap.DistrictSearch'.function () {

  let opts = {

Subdistrict: 1, // return to the next level

   extensions: 'all'// Return the boundary coordinate group and other specific information

   level: 'city'// Query the administrative level as city


// instantiate DistrictSearch

  let district = new AMap.DistrictSearch(opts)


// Administrative query

  areasData.forEach(item => {

   district.search(`${item.name}`, function (status, result) {

// Get boundary information

    let bounds = result.districtList[0].boundaries

    let polygons = []

    if (bounds) {

     for (let i = 0, l = bounds.length; i < l; i++) {

// Generate an administrative district polygon

      let polygon = new AMap.Polygon({

       map: map,

       strokeWeight: 1,

       path: bounds[i],

FillOpacity: 0.2,

       fillColor: 'rgba (71228194,0.44)'.

       strokeColor: 'rgba(83,204,79,0.65)'









// Map - pop-up layer

function map_show(makers, name, callback) {

 if (isTest) {

  makersTest.forEach((item) => {

   if(! item.name.includes(name)) {



// Set the center point

   map.setZoomAndCenter(12, [item.location.lat, item.location.lng])



 } else {

  makers.forEach((item) => {

   if(! item.name.includes(name)) {



// Set the center point

   map.setZoomAndCenter(12, [item.location.lat, item.location.lng])





// Map - custom point style

function map_addMakerStyle(makers, callback) {

 if (isTest) {

// Multiple test points loop

  makersTest.forEach((item) => {

// Create a point

   var info = []

   info.push(`<div class='waringBox'> warning < / div > `)

   marker = new AMap.Marker({

Position: [item.location.lat, item.location. LNG], // coordinates

    content: info.join(' ') // Use the default message form box style to display the message content



   marker.name = item.name

// Add a click event to the tag, passing in the corresponding argument

   marker.on('click', (e) => {




 } else {

// Create a point

  var info = []

  info.push(`<div class='waringBox'> warning < / div > `)

  marker = new AMap.Marker({

Position: [makers. Location. lat, makers. Location. LNG], // coordinates

   content: info.join(' ') // Use the default message form box style to display the message content



  marker.name = makers.name

// Add a click event to the tag, passing in the corresponding argument

  marker.on('click', (e) => {





export default {







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