I. Project initialization

1. Enter CMD vue UI to enter vue scaffolding

2. Create projects

  • You can use previously saved presets or manually configure them yourself

  • You can choose to save the preset or not save it
  • Install the plugin element-UI

  • Install axiOS dependencies

  • Configure the public key

  • Create a warehouse

  • Refresh the page to see if the warehouse was created successfully

Ii. Environment installation and configuration of background projects

  • Create a new database myDB (the database name must be the same as the text of the SQL file)
  • Import data (run the mydb. SQL file), right-click the database name, choose “Run SQL file”, find the mydb. SQL file, start running, after the successful operation of the table in the database, data will appear

(mydb.sql file is from the Internet)

  • Find the downloaded api-server file, open the Powershell window, first run the NPM install command to install the required dependency packages, and then run the app.js file to start the project

If no error is reported and the above information is returned, the project is successfully started

  • Test the login interface using Postman according to the interface documentation