General article address:

Vue. Js base will not? — This article is enough

Vue whole family barrel Webpack Git Axios Element- UI

2. Project initialization

2.1 Use vuE-CLI scaffolding to build the project

Scaffolding global installation once is OK. No need to repeat installation

Install node and run it

npm install @vue/cli

// Check whether the installation is successfulVue -v is installed successfully when the version number appearsCopy the code

Vue-cli Installation Once vuE-CLI3.0 is installed, you can create projects with visual panels where you install element-UI and AXIOS dependencies

2.2 Configuring the Code Cloud

Register an account and add a public key gitee Add a public key to host a local project to the code cloud

New warehouse in code cloud

Gitee creates the repository

After setting up the repository, enter the following code

Refresh in the code cloud to see the local repository.

2.3 Background Project environment Installation and configuration