Recently, WE are coordinating API with other companies, but they don’t open cross-domain, so we have to solve it by ourselves.

The production environment

  1. Axios key configuration

    import axios from 'axios';
    axios.defaults.timeout = 10000;
    axios.defaults.baseURL = 'api/';
    // HTTP request interceptor
      (config) = > {
        // ...
        return config;
      (err) = > {
        return Promise.reject(err); });// HTTP Response interceptor
      (response) = > {
      (err) = > {
        return Promise.reject(err); });export default axios;
    Copy the code
  2. DevServer configuration

    1. newvue.config.js
    2. Add the following
    module.exports = {
      devServer: {
        https: true.proxy: {
          '/api': {
            target: ''.secure: false.changeOrigin: true.pathRewrite: { '^/api': '/'}}}}};Copy the code

The development environment

Once packaged and published online, all interfaces have cross-domain limitations, so the development environment needs to be set up separately. If the pagoda is used, you only need to perform the following configuration:

  1. Open website Settings
  2. Modify the configuration file and add the following information:
    // all/starting with/API are forwarded to the target server location/API {proxy_pass; 404 location / {try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; }Copy the code