
1. HTML Snippets

Super useful and rudimentary H5 code snippets and tips

2. HTML CSS Support

Make the HTML tag write class smart to indicate the styles supported by the current project

3. Debugger for Chrome

Let vscode map chrome debug, static pages can use vscode to break point debugging

4. jQuery Code Snippets

Over 130 jQuery code snippets for JavaScript code. Just type the letter ‘jq’ to get a list of all the available jQuery code snippets.

5. vscode-icons

Add ICONS to the vscode resource tree

6. Path Intellisense

Automatic path completion

7. Document this

Document This “is a Visual Studio code extension that automatically generates detailed JSDoc comments for TypeScript and JavaScript files.

8. ESlint

JavaScript code detection, JavaScript code style detection, automatic formatting of JavaScript code.

9. HTMLHint

HTML code detection

10. Project Manager

A tool to quickly switch between projects

11. beautify

A tool for formatting code

12. Bootstrap 3 Sinnpet

Common bootstrap can be downloaded

13. Atuo Rename Tag

Modify HTML tags, automatically help you complete the end of the closed tag synchronization modification

14. GitLens

Rich Git log plug-in

15. fileheader

Top annotation template, can define the author, time and other information, and will automatically update the last modified time

16. Bracket Pair Colorizer

Let the parentheses have separate colors that are easy to distinguish. Can be used with any theme.

17. Class autocomplete for HTMLaessoft

The extension automatically scans an active HTML file for external CSS stylesheet links. When the style sheet is found, the class name is extracted and used with the code completion feature of Visual Studio code.

18. Code Runner

Ability to run code snippets or code files in multiple languages: C, C ++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, etc

19. css peek

The ability to view the CSS ID and class string as the corresponding CSS definition in the HTML file

20. Font-awesome codes for html

A snippet of font-awesome for HTML

21. filesize

At the bottom of the status bar shows the current file size, click after you can also see the detailed creation, modification time

22. Git History

View git logs as charts

23. htmltagwrap

You can wrap a tag around the selected HTML tag

24. Indenticator

Highlight the current indent depth

25. IntelliSense for CSS class names

Intelligent displays the class name of the CSS

26. Image Preview

Mouse over path to display image preview

27. JavaScript (ES6) code snippets

Code snippet

28. Live Sass Compiler

Compile SASS in real time

29. markdownlint

Markdown syntax check

30. open in browser

The current HTML file is opened in a browser, similar to webstorm’s four small browser ICONS, but the HTML file must be saved

31. Quokka.js

Watch javascript variables change in real time

32. TSLint

Plugins that test re

33. vetur

Syntax highlighting, intellisense

34. VueHelper

Vue code snippets

35. Dracula Official


36. One Dark Pro

Code theme

37. Color Info

Provides information about the colors you use in YOUR CSS

38. SVG Viewer

You can open SVG files and view them without leaving the editor

39. TODO Highlight

Being able to mark all TODO comments in your code makes it easier to track any unfinished business

40. Minify

An application for compressing and merging JavaScript and CSS files