
To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools. Ju is also the state, the matter of the doctor of the virtuous, friends of the benevolent. – Confucius

Use the handy text

Auto Rename Tag

It’s used very rarely, but it’s really sweet when it’s used. It’s a problem occasionally, but you don’t have a choice… Looking forward to better recommendations

Better Comments

Make your comments look better and feel like they should be put into a better article… It’s not much use to a bugger like me who can’t be bothered to comment

Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

This will help you find your significant other quickly, and it works like soap

Clipboard History

Still complain about tedious repeated copy and paste, but also worry about multiple copy and paste, with it you have spring, open it to stick which code you decide!

Code Spell Checker

As a code obsessive-compulsive, how can you allow words to be misspelt? But with this, you won’t miss a single wrong word! Comfortable


This is one of my favorite plugins that allows code to be transformed into images in vscode, using your own theme. Write a document necessary, improve the quality of the document, is good-looking. Let’s have a

Path Intellisense

This has nothing to say of, path prompt, jump file, less it to move a lot of bricks, handy!

Prettier – Code formatter

Not bad, the most popular formatting tool in the world, but no longer supports formatting code based on ESLint rules, making ESLint-plugin-prettier expand its rules instead… Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Project Manager

Project management tool to help you open the project faster, faster into the state of moving bricks

REST Client

Call interface directly in vscode, simple and convenient, cool

Settings Sync

Vscode plug-in and configuration on the cloud! One click to configure vscode, is cattle!


Quick wrap code plug-in. Does the code need a dom layer? Need a layer of judgment? Use this quick wrap. You can also customize it, like this

Turbo Console Log

I don’t like debugger, so I use console.log a lot, and this plugin is pretty handy. Select the variable to print and CMD + Shift +L will print it on the next line, hands free and elegant

Look at the good ones

Material Icon Theme

Compared the other icon themes and finally chose this one, then changed the folder color to vscode blue, perfect

One Dark Pro

Start vscode has been using this theme, you like it

Must use

There’s no need to say that. The big boys have it all

ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets


GitLens — Git supercharged

Visual Studio IntelliCode

The last

Welcome to recommend small and practical plug-ins

Cover source network, once faith