The installation process is not described here. Key points:

Environment configuration for Anaconda

After anaconda is installed, open CMD and run conda. Solution: Add {installation directory}\Scripts to the environment variable PATH

Vscode cannot call the anaconda integration environment

Use vscode to debug python programs with anaconda, but find that they don’t start properly. The approximate error is:

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module cannot be found.

On closer inspection, it should be because the PowerShell environment is enabled. Fix: Change the default debug window to CMD by adding a line to vscode’s setting.json:

“Terminal. Integrated. Shell. Windows” : “C: \ Windows \ System32 \ CMD exe”,

  1. Setting. json: Click the gear button in the lower left corner, or file-preferences -Settings. Click the flip button (Open Settings(JSON)) in the upper right corner.

  2. Settings for current folder (current project) : when you open a folder in VScode, a settings.json and a launch.json file are automatically created. Click to open it. Then add the above statement:

  3. Restart vscode