I will keep a record of the configuration items that I found helpful while using VS Code, and welcome to share some useful configuration items in the comments section.

The id of each configuration item in parentheses is the id of the configuration item. Paste the ID in the search box of the VS Code Settings page to jump to the configuration item:

Fast Scroll (editor.fastScrollSensitivity)

In quick reference when large files, in addition to drag in the minimap, can also hold down the Alt key to fast scroll, scrolling step by editor. FastScrollSensitivity configuration items are configured.

Linked Editing (editor.linkedEditing)

As we all know, when editing an HTML file with VS Code, the start tag and the paired end tag are not associated by default. This means that when editing the start tag, the end tag is not synchronized:

Associative editing of HTML can be achieved by using the Rename Symbol command (shortcut F2) :

Formulahendry. Auto-rename – Tag {formulahendry. Auto-rename -tag}} {formulahendry. Auto-rename -tag}} {formulahendry. When editing HTML or XML files, you can automatically associate edit tags.

But VS Code has built in this feature since version 1.44. Set editor.Linkedediting to true.

The From 1.44, VS Code offers the built-in Rename On Type support for HTML and Handlebars that can be enabled with the setting editor.renameOnType. If this setting is enabled, this extension will skip HTML and Handlebars files regardless of the languages listed in Auto – rename – tag. ActivationOnLanguage marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemN…

Word Separators (editor.wordSeparators)

This option configures the word split rule. By default, app_name is treated as a word when performing word-related operations (such as selecting, deleting words, etc.), because _ is not VS Code’s default word separator:

If you double-click en-us, you can only select en or US, because editor.wordSeparators is the default value:

` ~! @ # $% ^ & * () - + [= {]} \ |; : "",. < > /?Copy the code

We can see that it contains – but not _, and by adding _ we can determine that zh_CN is two words:

Render Side By Side (diffEditor.renderSideBySide)

The difference between the default editor is side by side view shows, set diffEditor. RenderSideBySide to false, can inline view shows, this configuration can also be in the editor in the top right corner of the menu button in the quick Settings: