On January 20, a Microsoft developer posted an article titled “Java on Visual Studio Code Update.”

The article introduces the highlights of VS Code 2021, along with an update on VS Code’s road map for 2022.

As can be seen from the figure above, the route planning for 2022 mainly includes six aspects, including: improvement of basic development experience, performance and reliability, build tools, Spring Boot end-to-end support, user experience, and cloud native development.

It’s worth noting that the roadmap mentions a number of Spring Boot development related improvement goals:

  1. Simplify the creation of Spring projects, Controllers, and beans
  2. Better visualization of Spring core concepts (e.g. beans, API mappings, etc.)
  3. Spring Controller and class template code generation
  4. Improved lifecycle management of Spring applications in the Spring Boot dashboard
  5. Provides a more intuitive experience for managing Spring dependent libraries

DD speculates that the sudden addition of a lot of Spring Boot optimizations to the 2022 calendar may have something to do with JetBrains’ announcement of a new generation editor: Fleet.

Prior to Fleet, JetBrains had IDEA as its flagship product for Java developers, but IDEA and VS Code were fundamentally different. Fleet is likely to compete head-on with VS Code. Fleet may be in a better position to compete for Java developer users because JetBrains has so much experience in Java. Fleet was nicknamed JB Code because of the competition.

So DD thinks it would be wise for VS Code to improve Spring Boot functionality before Fleet launches.

Do you use VS Code to write simple Java applications? Has JetBrains’ new product Fleet been tested yet? Would you switch from IDEA to VS Code if VS Code optimized Spring Boot support?

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