What is a virtual machine

A VM is a physical machine (physical machine, also known as a physical machine, or host machine). A physical machine is a physical machine. Virtual machine refers to a complete computer system with complete hardware system functions that is simulated by software and runs in a completely isolated environment. The work that can be done in a physical computer can be realized in virtual machines. When creating a VM on a physical vm, you need to use part of the hard disk and memory capacity of the physical VM as the hard disk and memory capacity of the VM. Each VM has an independent CMOS hard disk and an OPERATING system (OS), and you can perform operations on the VM just as on a physical VM. In layman's terms, a virtual machine is a virtual computer that looks almost exactly like a real computer. The difference is that the hard disk of the VIRTUAL machine is created in a file, so users can change the Settings of the VIRTUAL machine without worrying about damage to their own computer.Copy the code

How to determine whether a machine is a physical machine or a VIRTUAL machine

Sometimes we get a device and we don't know if it's a virtual machine or a physical machine because it's not ours. How to determine whether it is a virtual machine or a physical machine? In Linux, you can check whether the vm is a physical machine or a VM by running some commands, such as lscpu, systemd-detect-virt, and dmidecode. If it is a physical machine, what is the manufacturer of the physical machine? If it is a virtual machine, is it VMware or KVM? An easy way to do this is to run the lSCpu command from the command line, as follows: If the vm type is "full", it is a virtual machine built from a physical machine (physical machine or host machine).Copy the code

Virtualization can be classified into the following types: 1. Fully virtualize operating systems and software running on physical hardware and run on VMS without modification. 2. Paraviralization: Is a technique for modifying some of the Guest OS access privilege status code to interact directly with the VMM. 3: Operating system virtualization: it is a lightweight virtualization technology that allows the kernel to create multiple virtual operating system instances to isolate different processes, and processes in different instances are completely unaware of each other's existence. These instances are also called containers.Copy the code

What is VMWare virtual Machine software

VMWare Virtual Machine software is a "virtual PC" software that allows you to run two or more Windows, DOS, and LINUX systems simultaneously on a single machine. VMware uses a completely different concept than a "multi-boot" system. A "multi-boot" system can run only one system at a time, requiring a reboot when switching. VMWare is truly "simultaneous," with multiple operating systems switching on the main system's platform just like a standard Windows application. For each operating system, you can do virtual partitioning and configuration without affecting data on the real hard drive, and you can connect several virtual machines to a local area network (LAN) using network cards.Copy the code

Install the VM environment