Last month, I shared a project of the Electron cross-terminal imitation QQ chat application. Today we bring the newly developed Electron+Vite2 cross-end short video + live application for actual combat.

Vite2 -electron- Douyin based on vitE2 construction tool integration electron cross-platform technology development of a copy of Douyin short video + chat + live application EXE software. Support keyboard up and down key switching effect, new open multiple Windows and other functions.

Technology stack

  • Build tool: viet.js
  • Vue3 Family bucket: vue3.0+vuex4+vue-router@4
  • Cross-end framework: Electron12.0.1
  • Package tool: vuE-cli-plugin-electron – Builder
  • Component library: VANT3 (VuE3 component library on mobile)
  • Shell component: V3Popup (VUe3 package mobile popup component)
  • Sliding component: Swiper6

The project structure

At present, the latest stable version of ELECTRON is V12.0.2, which is used in the project.

The Electron main process entrance is configured

For projects built using electron builder, there is a background.js configuration file in the root directory.

 * 主进程入口配置background.js
'use strict'
import { app, BrowserWindow, globalShortcut } from 'electron'
import { createProtocol } from 'vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/lib'
import Windows from './module/windows'
const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
async function createWindow() {
  let window = new Windows()
  window.createWin({isMainWin: true, resize: false})
// Quit when all windows are closed.
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
  if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
app.on('activate', () => {
  if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
// This method will be called when Electron has finished
app.on('ready', async () => {
// Exit cleanly on request from parent process in development mode.
if (isDevelopment) {
  if (process.platform === 'win32') {
    process.on('message', (data) => {
      if (data === 'graceful-exit') {
  } else {
    process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
Copy the code

The Electron+Vue3 drag-and-drop navigation bar +TabBar TabBar

The whole project uses frame: false without borders. In order to drag the window, you need to customize the drag area.

Drag and drop is implemented by setting -webkit-app-region:drag.

< num ="transparent" transparent> <template # WBTN > <a class=" WBTN "title=" @click="isShowPersonalCard=true">< I class="iconfont iconweima "></ I ></a> <a class=" WBTN "title=" set" @click="isShowSideMenu=true"><i class="iconfont icon-menu"></i></a> </template> </WinBar> <WinBar bgcolor="linear-gradient(to right, #36384a, # 36384A)"> <template #title> Video preview </template> <template # WBTN >< a class=" WBTN "title=" save as" @click="handleDownLoad">< I class="iconfont icon-down"></i></a> </template> </WinBar>Copy the code

The bottom Tabbar features a hollowed-out background and a progress bar.

<tabbar bgcolor="linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, Rgba (0,0,0,.75))" color="rgba(245,255,235,.75)"Copy the code

Specific implementation, you can go to see the following article to share.

Vue3 + electron custom navigation bar | button in the top right corner

The vuE3 + ELECTRON custom pop-up function

Pop-ups in the project are divided into vuE3 custom components and ELECTRON create pop-ups.

const handleSendFlower = () => { let $el = v3popup({ type: 'android', content: '< I class="iconfont icon-douzi C-00e077 "></ I > Sure to send a wechat bean? ', BTNS: [{text: 'cancel', click: (a) = > $el. The close ()}, {text: 'sure, style:' color: # fa367a; ', click: handleOk},]})}Copy the code

Const handleAboutWin = () => {data.isshowsidemenu = false createWin({title: 'about', route: '/about', width: 420, height: 0) const handleAboutWin = () => {data.isshowsidemenu = false createWin({title:' about', route: '/about', width: 420, height: 0) 320, resize: false, parent:, modal: true, }) }Copy the code

Viet. js+Electron packing parameters

For projects built by @vue/ CLI, you can configure the electron packing parameter in vue.config.js. The viet.js built project cannot be configured in viet.config. js, but luckily electron provides an electric-Build.json configuration file.

Create a new electron- Builder. json configuration file in the root directory.

/** * @desc Vite2 +electron pack configuration * @time Andy by 2021-03 * @about Q: 282310962 wx: xy190310 */ {"productName": "Electron - douyin", / / project name Packaging generated exe prefix name "appId" : "com. Example. Electrondouyin", / / package name "compression will" : "Maximum", / / store | normal | maximum compression packaging is fast (store) "artifactName" : "${productName} - ${version} - ${platform} - ${arch}. ${ext}", / / packaging after installation package name / / "directories" : {/ / "output" : "Build ", // output folder (default dist_electron) //}, "asar": false, / / asar/packaging/copy static resource directory to the specified location (such as the root directory of the static folder copy to pack after dist_electron/win - unpacked/resources/static directory) "extraResources" : : [{" from "/" static ", "to" : "static"},], "nsis" : {" oneClick ": false, / / a key installation" allowToChangeInstallationDirectory ": "ArtifactName ": "artifactName": "artifactName": "artifactName": ${productName}-${version}-${platform}-${arch}-setup.${ext}", "CreateDesktopShortcut ": true, // Create desktop icon "createStartMenuShortcut": true, // Create start menu icon "shortcutName": "ElectronDouYin", // desktop shortcut icon name}, "win": {"icon": "/static/shortcut.ico", // icon path}}Copy the code

This way, you can pack by running NPM Run Electron: Builder.

Ending, using Vite2 +electron to imitate Douyin short video/broadcast app share here.

Cross platform simulation QQ chat room with electron+vue3+ ANTDV