
As UVU announced in zhihu on January 20, 2019 that Vue 3 will become the new default version

Vite should see more developers try it out for VUE3 and even react projects in the coming year

The status quo

“Vite is a new front-end build tool that dramatically improves the front-end development experience.”

Vite2.0 was released in December 2020

Then I saw this reply from UHP in Zhihu

It’s looking exactly as Utah predicted at the beginning of the year

The deadline is Now January 2022

Vite The vite scaffolding project uses version 2.7.2 by default

There are a number of major VUE frameworks that companies have tried to develop using Vite instead of WebPack

The surrounding ecology is also gradually improved

Some useful Vite plug-ins such as

Unplugin-vue-components (automatically import components on demand)

Unplugin-auto-import (automatically introduces hooks on demand),

Plugin-vue-jsx (vUE 3 JSX support)

Plugin-react (with full React support)

Plugin-legacy (traditional browser compatibility support for packaged files)

For example, Vite ecology’s VitePress Chinese website

Instead of the original vuePress, more people use it

Or, as many expect, an upgrade to the VUe3 version of NuxT3

What’s the advantage over Webpack (development mode)

As the vite documentation says in the first sentence

“Vite is a new front-end build tool that dramatically improves the front-end development experience.”

Vite optimizes the front-end development experience

So compared to WebPack, using Vite development, “how good is it?”

How is Webpack built with devSever


(Photo: Vite Chinese)

As you can see, when WebPack starts devSever locally, the entire project needs to be built first, just like a tree, traversing every root node.

As you can imagine, starting devSever on large projects can be very time consuming without optimization.

The HMR of Webpack is also affected because each change causes the corresponding module to be rebuilt.

However, the advantage of this is that the code in development mode is less different from the code packaged in production mode, which is better for browser compatibility.

(Of course, optimization of devSever first build can enable caching for label-loader and exclude to reduce the scope of packaging, etc.)


(Photo: Vite Chinese)

In Vite, we use the browser’s native ES Module to introduce JS code so that our native code can run directly in the browser.

You don’t need to build the entire project like WebPack, so it starts up “fast” in milliseconds,

Of course, Vite will also be pre-built, because like some NPM dependencies, not all of them are modular in the ES Module way, which requires vite to have a pre-built capability

To this end, UU created esBuild based on go (which is 10-100 times faster than pre-built dependencies of packagers written in JavaScript).

At project startup, dependencies are prebuilt, the build results are cached, and as dependencies are added or modified, new dependencies are detected and repackaged.

For project modules, Vite leaves more work to the browser.

The browser requests the source code via HTTP, and ESBuild converts it and provides it on demand.

So vite in development mode is essentially optimized to take advantage of the browser’s support for ES Module, which is different from other build tools.

Of course, this approach is very dependent on browser compatibility, but it doesn’t seem to be too much of a worry, as Vite can still be packaged in the traditional way to introduce js code @vitejs/ plugin-Legacy.

Just like vue3 replaces Object.defineProperty() with a proxy

Vite is doing things that are ahead of the standard that will definitely become the standard in the future.

1.3 Initializing the VUe3 Project

Next, use Vite to initialize a VUE3 project

Initialize a VUE3 project (NPM)

NPM init vite@latest NPX: 6 Successful installation in 3.087 secs √ Project name:... Vite-vue3 - Demo √ Select a Framework: » Vue √ Select a Variant: » vueCopy the code

NPM I installation dependencies


{" name ":" vite - vue3 - demo ", "version" : "0.0.0", "scripts" : {" dev ":" vite ", "build" : "vite build", "preview" : "Vite preview"}, "dependencies" : {" vue ":" ^ 3.2.25 "}, "devDependencies" : {" @ vitejs/plugin - vue ":" ^ 2.0.0 ", "vite" : "^ 2.7.2}}"Copy the code

You can see that the default vite version is 2.7.2, vue3 version is 3.2.25, and there is a plugin-vue for development environments

We add –host to dev and Preview to see the current launch network address

Configuring a Path Alias

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import { resolve } from "path";
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [vue()],
  resolve: {
    alias: [
      { find: '@', replacement: resolve(__dirname, "./src") },
Copy the code

Automatic import of components and hooks using plug-ins (element-plus)

Refer to the big guy’s article

[unplugin-vue-Components, free hands!]…

The main use of unplugin-vue-components, unplugin-auto-import these two plug-ins

Here I use element-Plus as an example

Use ElementPlusResolver, which you can customize as well

Note: Unplugin-vue-Components, though, also introduces a style file for Element-Plus on demand

However, some global component styles and hooks do not seem to be well supported

You still have to import it globally in main.js

// import ‘element-plus/dist/index.css

Resolve style loss issues

import { defineConfig } from "vite"; import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"; import { resolve } from "path"; import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite"; import { ElementPlusResolver } from 'unplugin-vue-components/resolvers' import AutoImport from "unplugin-auto-import/vite"; // export default defineConfig({ base: './', css: { preprocessorOptions: { scss: { additionalData: `@use "@/styles/element.scss" as *; ', javascript: true},},}, plugins: [vue(), // hooks automatically import AutoImport({imports: ["vue", "vue-router"], resolvers: [ElementPlusResolver()], dts: "SRC /auto-imports. D.ts ",}), // Components automatically import Components({// specify component location, default is SRC/Components dirs: [' SRC/Components '], resolvers: [ ElementPlusResolver({ importStyle: "sass", }), ], extensions: ['vue'], dts: "src/components.d.ts", }), ], resolve: { alias: [ { find: '@', replacement: resolve(__dirname, "./src") }, ], }, });Copy the code

1.4 Personal development experience

As Uhp said in Zhihu, Vite was not created to kill webpack.

In my opinion, Vite provides front-end developers with one more option.

My personal experience with Vite development is: fast.

Fast startup, fast hot update.

However, there is a slight problem, since Vite devSever relies on the browser request, esbuild does the conversion and provides the source code on demand.

This results in a wait time when the page is first opened in the browser

This should be how long it takes esBuild to convert and respond.

This is obvious when the page is first opened.

(Of course, packaged static projects don’t have this problem.)

Vite abstracts out the API configuration is relatively simple, as before, there is no need to configure the tedious WebPack.

There are also an increasing number of plug-ins that make it easy to build a Vite project.

But for now, there’s no way to shake webpack,

Webpack gives developers more freedom to customize,

Vite gives developers the experience of development.

2022 should see more developers opting for Vite as a front-end build tool.