Introduce a,

Generate HTML single page by dragging and dropping visual components, which covers pictures, text, rotation diagram, video playback, video live, TAB switching, combination, upload and excellent theme template collection.

Two, the working principle

1. Simple functional interaction

2. Internal operation mechanism

When the page starts running, the basic datapool is registered, the datapool is configured, and the view component pool is configured.
When the page interacts with each other, trigger click events through the menu will pull corresponding contents from the component pool of the time zone view and the basic data pool and synchronize them to the View (note: no cardinality data values will be modified). Meanwhile, components and basic data from the corresponding configuration component pool will be pulled into the Config layer
When the interaction is completed and triggered to save or view, all the data in the view layer will be processed into a queue, and the CSS, HTML and JS used will be screened out to form a JSON and AN HTML to form a single page.

Iii. Upload and build

Component upload is actually a component package management, the component package covers HTML, CSS, JS, config.json, all components for management, the advantage is fast iteration cycle, components to avoid the cost of editor and view page twice development

1, the HTML

   <div class="body"><input type="text"/></div>
Copy the code

1, CSS,

Copy the code

3, js

 / / code block
 const submit = () = >{
    / / code block
Copy the code

4, the config. Json

   type:'input/textarea/radio/checkbox/video/imgupload'.tile:'Mobile phone Number'.name:'phone'.value:' '.required:true/false.reg:/\d{11}/
Copy the code

When the page is initially registered, the uploaded package set is synchronized to the cardinality datapool. When the page is interactive, the CSS/HTML/JS in the package is first synced and then entered into a carrier and synchronized through the view. The configuration data in the config.json package is synthesized with the data in the configuration component and goes into config