1. Download the VirtualBox

2. Create a VM

3. Select Linux Ubuntu

4. Set the rest by yourself

5. Install the Ubuntu image file before the VM starts. Click the Storage bar -> Controller: IDE-> Second IDE Controller Main channel: [CD drive] No disk

6. Select a virtual DVD-ROM. The virtual DVD-ROM is the Ubuntu ISO file to be installed

7. Click Boot -> Install Ubuntu-> Continue -> Install Type, other options -> Continue

8. Create a partition table -> Continue

9. Click Free -> + 10. Create a partition -> Size can be set to 512MB to 1G-> Partition type: Primary partition -> New partition Location: Start space -> Used: Swap space -> OK

11. Click Free -> Click the + sign

12. New partition type: Logical Partition -> mount point: / -> OK

13. Click Install Now -> Continue -> Continue -> Continue

14. Set a user name and password -> Continue

15. Wait until the installation is complete

16. After the installation is complete, click Restart now. If you do not start up for a long time after the restart, forcibly shut down and continue to restart

17. Install enhancements

18. After the installation is complete, run sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms to restart the VM

19. Find the system Settings, adjust the resolution in the display, and then click Apply > Save the current Settings

Install the end

Reference source: dblab.xmu.edu.cn/blog/337-2/