The scene of the accident

It takes a long time for a virtual machine to set up an environment, and each one is rebuilt: laborious, laborious and error-prone.

Cut the shit, here are the steps

  1. Stop the VM that you want to copy
  2. Right-click to copy the VM
  3. The name
  4. Advanced: Full copy backs up the current VM status
  5. View information about the new VMmacaddress
  6. Select your virtual machine, right click, and set the network
  7. vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
  8. Modify themacaddress
  9. Delete directly/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rulesFile, and then restart, simple and crude
  10. Modify thehostnameThe default value is Clone VMhostnameIt’s not modified. It needs to be modified here/etc/sysconfig/networkFile, change to the correspondinghostname. Then use therebootCommand to restart the system
  11. restart
  12. PingExtranet and other VMS

Thanks, by the way

Fangzheng. Xyz/Tools/Virtu… Frainmeng. Making. IO / 2015/11/04 /…