Unzip and view androidmanifest.xml

  1. Androidmanifest.xml is displayed as garbled code.
  2. Use this command after downloading axmlPrinter2.jar
  3. Java -jar axmlprinter2.jar androidmanifest.xml
  4. Of course, when using the command redirection looks even more beautiful ~
  5. java -jar AXMLPrinter2.jar AndroidManifest.xml > manifest.txt
  6. Of course, you need to download axmlPrinter2.jar before using this command.

Decompress the Java source file using dex2jar and JD-gui, rename hjjc.apk to hjJC. zip, and then decompress the file using decompression software to obtain a HJJC directory, because the previous decompression of the resource file has generated a HJJC directory, The HJJC directory for decompressing hjjc.zip already exists, so the system automatically adds a bar 0 to the end of the directory name. We need to get the classes.dex file inside, as shown here:

In the command, go to the dex2jar directory and run the following command: dex2jar- run the sh dex2jar.sh classes.dex command. As shown in figure:

Dex2jar-2.0: run sudo chmod +x d2j_invoke.sh and then run sh dex2jar.sh classes.dex.

After the command is executed successfully, a classes_dex2jar.jar file is generated in the dex2jar directory. As shown in figure:

Finally, open the JAR package with the JD-GUI tool to see the Java source code.

