In the era of mobile Internet, the development of live broadcasting system emerges in the market, leading the social form from the traditional mode to diversified, live broadcasting
As a different form of social interaction, system development may overturn the traditional social interaction. This is not groundless, it has formed the current Internet tuyere, why so many business owners have to turn to the live broadcasting system, is to see the bonus inside, want to share in the tuyere before coming.
The development of live broadcasting system has brought continuous reform and upgrading of the industry and brought a lot of convenience to users, enabling users to know others or the products recommended by them from a more comprehensive and intuitive perspective. Compared with the single form of product promotion under the traditional mode, live broadcast
The development of the system allows the interactive parties to conduct real-time questions and answers according to the on-site situation, and to transfer information between each other through rich language, gestures and even facial expressions, making social interaction more three-dimensional and intuitive.

The development of live broadcasting system is so hot, which forms are there?

1: Live broadcast of the show

At the beginning, IT was YY live broadcasting, which was dominated by singing and dancing beauties. It used to be a powerful platform, but now it is not to be underestimated. But now the country’s crackdown on this kind of live broadcasting is still relatively severe, as long as it is not illegal, it is still very easy!

2: Live game

Game live, is now the most popular live, because the audience is large, the base is much, but the threshold of entry is a little high, but also need to have a certain technology, this is different from the show, because the game live, mainly live games! In the live broadcast industry has a strong irreplaceable.

3: outdoor live broadcast

Outdoor live broadcasting is different from the other two types, because the above two types need to be in the live broadcast room, while outdoor live broadcasting only needs a mobile phone, which can interact with the audience in real time. This one is lagging behind at present, but it has higher requirements for live broadcasting and great competitiveness!

4: Live broadcast of information

Such live broadcasts are all kinds of news and information, such as today’s toutiao, which is the most popular one. However, such broadcasts must be made up by professionals. Not everyone can hold the post just to make up the number.
The above are several common modes for the development of live broadcast delivery system. Users can choose freely according to their personal needs.