This is the 29th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

To insert text:

Command Insert Text
i Before cursor Insert before cursor
a Insert after cursor after cursor
A At the end of the line the cursor moves to the bottom line
o Open a line below the current line Creates a new line below the current line
O Open a line above the current line Creates a new line above the current line
r Replace the current character Replaces the current character
R Replace characters until, overwrite Replace characters until hit, overwrite

To move the cursor:

Command Moves the cursor
SPACE, l (el), or right arrow Move the cursor to the right
h or left arrow Move the cursor to the left
j or down arrow Down one line
k or up arrow Up one line
w word to the right
b word to the left
$ Move “end of the line” to the last character on the line
0 (zero) Beginning of the line moves to the beginning of the line
e end of the word to the right
Beginning of Previous Line Move the cursor to the line above the non-space character
) end of the sentence
( beginning of the sentence
} end of paragraph
{ beginning of paragraph

To Delete Text:

Command Action
d0 Delete to beginning of line Deletes the first character of the line
dw delete to end of word
d3w delete to end of third word
db delete to beginning of word
dW delete to end of blank delimited word
dB delete to beginning of blank delimited word
dd Delete current line Deletes the current line
5dd Delete 5 lines starting with the current line
dL delete through the last line on the screen
dH delete through the first line on the screen
d) delete through the end of the sentence
d( delete through the beginning of the sentence
x Delete the current character Deletes the current character
nx delete the number of characters specified by n. Delete n consecutive backward characters
nX Delete n characters before the current character Deletes n characters consecutively

Yanking (copy) and Putting (paste) Text:

Command Effect
yM yank text specified by M
y3w Yank 3 Words copy 3 words
nyy Yank n lines copies n lines
Y Yank to the end of the line copy to the end of the line
P Put text above current line Pastes above the current line
p Put text below current line Pastes below the current line

Ending an Editing Session

Command Effect
:w writes the contents of the work buffer to the file
:q The quit out
:q! Save and quit Save and exit
:wq Save and quit Save and exit
:w filename Saves to filename (allows you to change the name of the file)

Miscellaneous commands

Command Effect
J join the current line and the following line
:set number Number the lines on the screen (not actually added to file) display function
:set nonumber Turns off numbering of lines Turns off the number of lines
:r filename reads filename into the current file at the location of the cursor
:set showmode displays INPUT MODE at the lower right hand corner of screen
~ change uppercase to lowercase and vice-versa