“This is the 20th day of my participation in the August Gwen Challenge

VertX Web Client dependency


< the dependency > < groupId > IO. Vertx < / groupId > < artifactId > vertx - web - client < / artifactId > < version > 4.1.2 < / version > </dependency>Copy the code


Dependencies {compile 'IO. Vertx :vertx-web-client:4.1.2'}Copy the code

Create a Web client

WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx);
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If you want to configure options for customers, create it as follows

WebClientOptions options = new WebClientOptions().setUserAgent(" my-app /1.2.3"); options.setKeepAlive(false); WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx, options);Copy the code

The Web client option inherits the Http client option and can still be used if an Http client is already in the application

WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx); fs.open("content.txt", new OpenOptions(), fileRes -> { if (fileRes.succeeded()) { ReadStream<Buffer> fileStream = fileRes.result(); String fileLen = "1024"; // Send the file to the server using POST client .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri") .putHeader("content-length", fileLen) .sendStream(fileStream) .onSuccess(res -> { // OK }) ; }});Copy the code

A post request

  .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri")
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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Sending buffers directly is supported, but if you don’t want to load content directly into memory, or if you want to handle many concurrent requests and want each request to be a minimum. To do this, Web clients can send using stream (“ReadStream”)

  .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri")
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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When sending JSON, use sendJsonObject

  .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri")
    new JsonObject()
      .put("firstName", "Dale")
      .put("lastName", "Cooper"))
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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The Web client is responsible for setting up the Transfer pump for you. It is not known that the request will use a large Transfer encoding due to the length of the stream.

When the size of the stream is known, you should specify Content-Length before using the header

fs.open("content.txt", new OpenOptions(), fileRes -> { if (fileRes.succeeded()) { ReadStream<Buffer> fileStream = fileRes.result(); String fileLen = "1024"; // Send the file to the server using POST client .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri") .putHeader("content-length", fileLen) .sendStream(fileStream) .onSuccess(res -> { // OK }) ; }});Copy the code


MultiMap form = MultiMap.caseInsensitiveMultiMap();
form.set("firstName", "Dale");
form.set("lastName", "Cooper");

// Submit the form as a form URL encoded body
  .post(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri")
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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Reuse request

This method can be safely called multiple times, so it is easy to configure and reuse the object Send ‘ ‘HttpRequest

HttpRequest<Buffer> get = client
  .get(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri");
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
// Same request again
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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Be careful, although instances are mutable. Therefore, you should call this method before modifying the cache instance. HttpRequest“copy

HttpRequest<Buffer> get = client
  .get(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri");

  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK

// The "get" request instance remains unmodified
  .putHeader("a-header", "with-some-value")
  .onSuccess(res -> {
    // OK
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You can set timeouts with specific HTTP requests. timeout

client .get(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri") .timeout(5000) .send() .onSuccess(res -> { // OK }) .onFailure(err -> { // Might be a timeout when cause is  java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException });Copy the code

If the request does not return any data during the timeout, the exception is passed to the response handler.

Handling HTTP responses

When a Web client sends a request, a single same-item result is always processed. HttpResponse

In a successful result, the callback occurs after the response is received

  .get(8080, "myserver.mycompany.com", "/some-uri")
  .onSuccess(res ->
    System.out.println("Received response with status code" + res.statusCode()))
  .onFailure(err ->
    System.out.println("Something went wrong " + err.getMessage()));
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By default, vert. x Web client requests only end in an error if an error occurs at the network level. In other words, a response or a response of the wrong content type is not considered a failure. If you want the Web client to automatically perform sanity checks, use Response predicates. 404 Not Found