This article summarizes the Config

Configuration We may need to configure some options to tweak some of the plug-in internals. This is not necessary, but can lead to conflict. For example, using an attribute named Errors on our vue instance could cause a conflict. Here is how we set the options and their default values: import Vue from 'Vue '; import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'; const config = { aria: true, classNames: {}, classes: false, delay: 0, dictionary: null, errorBagName: 'errors', // change if property conflicts events: 'input|blur', fieldsBagName: 'fields', i18n: Null, // vue-i18n plugin instance i18nRootKey: 'validations', // the nested key under which the validation messages will be located inject: true, locale: 'en', validity: false }; Vue.use(VeeValidate, config); Attributes - Type-Default Value - Description ARIA-Boolean - true - Allows the aria-invalid and aria-required attributes classnames-object - to be set in the HTML INPUTS input box Empty - Class classes-boolea-false - Apply the automatic delay-number-0 - all INPUTS to the HTML inputs input box for verification Input box default image stabilization time (only affects validation) dictionary - object | null null - a want to merge with the internal dictionary dictionary. ErrorBagName - string - 'errors' - The name of the ErrorBag object, which will be injected into the data of each Vue instance. Used to avoid collisions with other plug-ins. Events - string - 'input' - will be monitored and used to trigger a certification, by the '|' delimited the default event name list. If an empty string is provided, all listeners are disabled. FieldsBagName - string - 'fields' - The name of the field object to be injected into the data of each Vue instance. FastExit - Boolean - true - Whether validation for each field should stop after the first failed validation, we can use the continues and bails qualifiers, Choose to join or quit any Settings i18n - VueI18n | null - null - vue - i18n instance, if provided, will use the i18n plug-in, integrated into the vee - validate, and will use this instance to generate an error message, and without the use of built-in dictionaries. I18nrootkey-string - 'validations' - Key name of validation messages for each locale inject - Boolean - true - Specifies whether validator instances should be automatically injected into all components locale-string - 'en' - Validaty - Boolean - false - in the local HTML inputs input box: You can install the vee-validate import Vue from 'Vue' by using the Vue plugin API. import VueValidate from 'vee-validate'; Vue.use(VeeValidate, config); Manual installation we may be interested in components exposed using VeeValidate. Instead of installing the plug-in, we can do this by creating an instance of the VeeValidate plug-in. import Vue from 'vue'; import VueValidate from 'vee-validate'; const vee = new VeeValidate(config, Vue); With this approach, instead of adding any directives, mixins, or components to our application, we pass all the vee-VALIDATE needs to be set, and then we will be responsible for using the plug-in manually. This is useful if we only intend to use stand-alone features like the 'validator.verify API'.Copy the code