The target

  • Help yourself sort through your knowledge
  • Learn and keep up with your peers
  • It can also help others solve their problems

Platform choice

First said the conclusion: combined with our current use, good writing and theme positioning first, chose to dig gold (account password see group). The Markdown support, community content and interface are all good, but the downside is that SEO is not that good.

Platform selection generally has the following considerations:

  • Site content positioning: platform content quality, theme direction
  • SEO poorly: Is it easy to find
  • Markdown support: edit convenient, paste code friendly, best support formula, support flow chart, etc
  • Writing is user-friendly: Experience matters
  • Flexibility of interface/blog customization
  • Independent blog

If students are considering starting a personal blog, other options:

  • For traffic: CSDN (for programmers, SEO do well, traffic rose fast. But no Markdown support, too many ads), blog garden (a bit old interface)
  • Good interface: Simple book (simple and elegant, Markdown support is good, feature and article classification is very good, I didn’t choose it, mainly considering its topic is too miscellaneous)
  • Large degree of freedom: Github page (but SEO is not good, especially baidu search)
  • Degree of freedom: Personal website construction (it is beneficial to personal brand building, and the content is opened when it reaches a certain level, but the cost is high, and some energy needs to be invested in maintaining the blog itself)
  • Other options:
  1. Zhihu column (the platform’s own content brand is good, but it does not support Markdown directly, and the content is not aimed at programmers)
  2. SegmentFault, StackOverflow
  3. V2EX (nice website, today found it was also blocked)

The blog topics

  1. Sorting out the chapters read: it is best to add mindmap for this type, and mindmap of yitu is recommended.
  2. The sorting out of some key and difficult content is as follows, and examples are transferred to Reference 1:
  • Step-by-step guide to achieving specific goals: “Build a great scrollable list in React Native using FlatList” or “Simplify your React component with Apollo and Recompose.” These are great for readers who want to make a quick demo.
  • In-depth investigation of a specific topic: “Using nullity in GraphQL” or “Anatomy of a GraphQL query.” This can be very useful if your target audience is interested and wants to learn more over a cup of coffee.
  • A useful list revolves around a common topic: “4 Simple ways to call the GraphQL API” or “5 Benefits of static GraphQL Queries.” This is a fun, lightweight read because you don’t have to read the whole thing and it’s easy to do with fragmentary time.

The following is an example of Javascript shared by JS, from the front-end Craftsman, Resources 3 blog

  • Let’s get to the JavaScript runtime mechanism
  • JavaScript pre-interpretation is an unscrupulous mechanism
  • JavaScript data types and their detection
  • JavaScript creates objects in several forms
  • We’ll go into the common way arrays are traversed
  • Shallow copy and deep copy
  • Simple Javascript closures
  • You still don’t understand this?


  • Title: From the title, you can see what you summarize/share
  • It is better to have pictures/codes: easier to understand (for more codes, put the main part of the code, and put the complete version on Github or code cloud)
  • Others: No typos, grammatical errors or strange formatting
  • References (required) : Sharing sources and references is a guidepost for your readers to follow, and a credit to the original author of the reference.

The resources

  1. How to write a great tech blog post

Juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

  1. How to start a tech blog, and how to choose?…

  1. Front-end craftsman blog, has a good summary of JS, CSS, VUE, etc.…