It’s a pity…


Before the author is developing micro channel public number, encounter a difficult thing.

Wechat public accounts have a server configuration, which requires a fixed domain name.

Of course, I could buy an ugly domain name and use it, but I’m more used to local development. If you buy a domain name, you can’t resolve dynamic local addresses and have to buy a remote server. Deploying the code to a remote server makes it impossible to debug locally.

Spend a not small expense, still make of quite troublesome, feel not very cost-effective.

However, Intranet penetration can solve this problem. This section does not cover Intranet penetration, but only features in uTools.

In fact, peanut shell, etc., also have related functions, but the free network speed is very slow, but also unstable.

This way, it is easy to lose white whoring users. / / laugh in hh

The installation

After installing uTools, press Alt + Space (space) to open uTools, click the logo in the upper right corner of the pop-up window, and search for Intranet penetration in the plug-in center.

The installation process is simple, then close the popover, press Alt + Space again, and search for Intranet penetration directly.

After opening the interface is like this, the configuration is also very simple.

In the “node” option, you can choose the penetrating server, the maximum can choose telecom’s 100M network, the speed is quite fast. The other configuration is set by yourself.


The author first to start a local service, local access url is: http://localhost:9320/test/hello

As you can see in the image below, it is accessible.

Then in utools open network transmission function, enter the url in the address: itweixiang. Cn. Utools. The club/test/hello

As you can see, the result returned is the same as that of the local access, which was successfully penetrated.

For the author in the aforementioned WeChat server configuration, only need to configure the in line, in need of local debugging, restart utools network transmission function, easy to solve.

Hope this article helps!