Author: Wang Chong


I have systematically studied TypeScript and can use some basic type definitions in a project, but I don’t know much about advanced types. I see that some projects or libraries write advanced types in a completely confused state, and I decide to change this state. Forgetting who said that reading source code is the best way to learn, I decided to find a library that specializes in TypeScript. Two good libraries were recommended by my colleagues: Utility-types and TS-Toolbelt. Considering that there are more utility- typesstars and they are used more, let’s go with it. Then I will interpret ts-Toolbelt.

This article focuses on the types in the mapped-types.ts file.


The SetIntersection type is used to Extract in the Typescript built-in types API. The SetIntersection type is used to Extract in the same way. The SetIntersection takes the compatible type of type B from type A. Used mostly for union types.

The built-in Extract type is implemented in the same way as the SetIntersection


type SetIntersection<A, B> = A extends B ? A : never
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The sample

type SetIntersectionResult = SetIntersection<'a' | 'b' | 'c'.'c' | 'b'> // 'b' | 'c'
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How did the above example result come about? We all know that a conditional type becomes a distributed conditional type when applied to a union type.

'a' | 'b' | 'c' extends 'c' | 'b' ? 'a' | 'b' | 'c' : never= >
('a' extends 'c' | 'b' ? 'a' : never) |
('b' extends 'c' | 'b' ? 'b' : never) |
('c' extends 'c' | 'b' ? 'c' : never) = >
never | 'b' | 'c'= >'b' | 'c'
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Similar to TypeScript’s built-in Exclude type, the SetDifference type is used to retrieve types of type A that are incompatible with type B.


type SetDifference<A, B> = A extends B ? never : A
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The sample

type SetDifferenceResult = SetDifference<'a' | 'b' | 'c'.'b'> // 'a' | 'c'
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How did the above example result come about? In fact, and the last type of operation results are roughly the same, combined with examples and source code explanation below:

'a' | 'b' | 'c' extends 'b' ? never : 'a' | 'b' | 'c'= > ('a' extends 'b' ? never : 'a') |
('b' extends 'b' ? never : 'b') |
('c' extends 'b' ? never : 'c') = >
'a' | never | 'c'= >'a' | 'c'
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There is also A type SetComplement in the source code, but it is implemented in the same way as SetDifference, except that generic B must be A subtype of generic A.

type SetComplement<A, A1 extends A> = A extends A1 ? never : A
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SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference: SymmetricDifference


type SymmetricDifference<A, B> = SetDifference<A | B, SetIntersection<A, B>>
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emmmm… A little convoluted, look at 🌰

type SymmtricDifferenceResult = SymmetricDifference<
  '1' | '2' | '3'.'2' | '3' | '4'
> / / '1' | '4'
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And sets the example of two types: ‘1’ | ‘2’ | ‘3’ | ‘4’, intersection for ‘2’ | ‘3’, so the intersection in complement on and set to ‘1’ | ‘4’.

How do you do that? As can be seen from the source code, we use the SetDifference and SetIntersection types, which were previously implemented and combined to form a more powerful type.

Source of the solution is this: by A | B to get to A and B type and set, and then through SetIntersection type is available at the intersection between A and B type, and then use SetDifference types to complement the results.


The NonUndefined type is used to filter out undefined types from union types.


type NonUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T
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Source code in the implementation is above such, the following is to borrow SetDifference implementation.

type NonUndefined<T> = SetDifference<T, undefined>
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The sample

type NonUndefinedResult = NonUndefined<string | null | undefined> // string | null
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To see this, you need to set strictNullChecks to true in tsconfig.json to strictly check for null. If not, ts defaults to null compatibility with undefined, so null will be filtered out.


FunctionKeys is used to get the key of an object type whose value is a function.


type FunctionKeys<T extends object> = {
  [K inkeyof T]-? : NonUndefined<T[K]>extends Function ? K : never
}[keyof T]
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Source code is above this implementation, but some defects, in the analysis of the principle of the time to say why the defects.

The sample

type MixedProps = {
  name: string
  setName: (name: string) = > voidsomeKeys? :stringsomeFn? :(. args:any) = > any
  undef: undefined
  unNull: null
type FunctionKeysResult = FunctionKeys<MixedProps> //"setName" | "someFn" | "undef" 
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Yi, should not be “elegantly-named setName” | “someFn” yao, why have two? Let’s first analyze how this type is implemented and look for bugs in the analysis.

FunctionKeys accepts an object type, so you can use the index query operator to iterate over each key of the object type, filtering out undefined first through NonUndefined, then extends Function, If the key type is undefined, it will be resolved by NonUndefined to never, whereas the Function type is compatible with never. So the undef is preserved.

So I changed on the basis of the source code.

type FunctionKeys<T extends object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : SetIntersection<NonNullable<T[P]>,Function> extends never
    ? never
    : P
}[keyof T]
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The specific idea is to first convert the value type of key whose value type is undefined and null to never in the traversal process, and then convert the value type of key whose value type is not Function type to never, because the type of never is only compatible with itself. Therefore, determine whether the value type is compatible with the never type, filter out all keys whose value is never, and finally obtain the union type of the value type through the index query operator.


NonFunctionKeys is used to get the key of an object type whose value is not a function


type NonFunctionKeys<T extends Object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : NonUndefined<T[P]>extends Function ? never : P
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type NonFunctionKeysResult = NonFunctionKeys<MixedProps> //"name" | "someKeys" | "unNull"
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After analyzing the FunctionKeys type, the NonFunctionKeys type should be easy to understand.

In the process of traversing the object type, use NonUndefined to filter out the key whose value type is undefined, then filter out the key whose value type is function, and finally obtain the union type of the value type through the index query operator.


IfEquals is an auxiliary type function that determines whether two types are the same.


type IfEquals<X, Y, A = X, B = never> = (<T>() = > T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends <
>() = > T extends Y ? 1 : 2
  ? A
  : B
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Now, if you know anything about TS you might be wondering, isn’t it just two-way extends? What is this thing? 🤔 ️

I think what you’re talking about is two-way extends.

type Same<X, Y> = X extends Y ? (Y extends X ? true : false) : false
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There is a flaw in writing the Same type function. There is no way to infer whether two types are absolutely the Same, such as an object type with the Same structure but different attribute modifiers.

type X = {
  name: string
  age: number
type Y = {
  readonly name: string
  age: number
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The above two Same type functions cannot be inferred, in which case you must use IfEquals.

The sample

type SameResult = Same<X, Y> //true
type IfEqualsResult = IfEquals<X, Y> //never
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The core of the IfEquals type function is the use of delayed conditional types that rely on consistency checks of internal types for compatibility inferences. IfEquals relies on at least two generic parameters, X and Y. After passing in the X and Y generic parameters, the type is inferred. If the result can be inferred, the final type is returned, otherwise the inference process is delayed until the confirmed type parameters are passed in.

Like the IfEquals type function, constructing a delay condition type is as simple as building a function type and building the return value of the function into a condition type that depends on the generic parameters.

type DeferConditionalType = <T>(value: T) = > T extends string ? number : boolean
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When you use the DeferConditionalType generic, you infer the type of the return value from the delay of the generic parameter passed in.


WriteableKeys is used to get all writable keys in an object type.


export type WriteableKeys<T extends object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : IfEquals< { [Qin P]: T[P] },
    { -readonly [Q in P]: T[P] },
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type Props = { readonly foo: string; bar: number }

type WriteableKeysResult = WriteableKeys<Props> // "bar"
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The IfEquals function is used in the source code. Now that we know that IfEquals is used to determine whether two types are strictly equal (see IfEquals for details), this should be easier to do.

In the process of iterating over the key object, we construct two objects, the one with the original key construct and the one without the readonly modifier, and pass in the third argument, key, as the return value of the function matching the same type. So the end result is that all the readonly keys have a value type of never, the rest of the keys have a value type of key itself, and then the index type access operator gets the union type of all the key’s value types.


ReadonlyKeys Is used to obtain all keys of an object type that are modified by readonly.


export type ReadonlyKeys<T extends object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : IfEquals< { [Qin P]: T[P] },
    { -readonly [Q in P]: T[P] },
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type Props = { readonly foo: string; bar: number }

type ReadonlyKeysResult = ReadonlyKeys<Props> // "foo"
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The implementation of ReadonlyKeys is basically the same as that of WriteableKeys, except for the third and fourth arguments to the IfEquals function. In WriteableKeys, the third argument is key, and the fourth argument is never by default, which is reversed in ReadonlyKeys. The reason is that when two types match, they are considered strictly the same. If the current key is not modified by readonly, return key in WriteableKeys and never in ReadonlyKeys. When two types fail to match, they are assumed to be different.

RequiredKeys RequiredKeys is used to obtain all RequiredKeys in an object type.


export type RequiredKeys<T extends object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : {}extends Pick<T, P> ? never : P
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type RequiredProps = {
  req: number
  reqUndef: number | undefinedopt? :stringoptUndef? :number | undefined

type RequiredKeysResult = RequiredKeys<RequiredProps> //"req" | "reqUndef"
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RequiredKeys uses Pick. First, let’s talk about what Pick does

Pick is a built-in Typescript generic function that takes two T, U, the first argument T is an object type, the second argument U is a union type, and U extends keyof T. Pick is used to filter out keys in the generic T that are not compatible with U.

Such as:

type Props = {
  req: number
  reqUndef: number | undefinedopt? :stringoptUndef? :number | undefined
type result = Pick<Props, 'req' | 'opt'> //  {req: number,opt?: string}
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Returning to the RequiredKeys function, when iterating over the key of the generic T, the empty {} object is used to extend the handled key(in this case, an object containing only keys). If the current key is optional, it must be compatible. Return never, which is not what we want, otherwise it is mandatory to return the current key.


OptionalKeys is used to get all OptionalKeys on the object type.


export type OptionalKeys<T extends object> = {
  [P inkeyof T]-? : {}extends Pick<T, P> ? P : never
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type RequiredProps = {
  req: number
  reqUndef: number | undefinedopt? :stringoptUndef? :number | undefined
type OptionalKeysResult = OptionalKeys<RequiredProps> // "opt" | "optUndef"
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OptionalKeys is implemented in much the same way as RequiredKeys, except that the value of the condition type is the same. See the RequiredKeys implementation analysis for details.


When we read the RequiredKeys function we talked about the Pick built-in type function, which filters the key of an object by key, and PickByValue by value type.


export type PickByValue<T, K> = Pick<
    [P inkeyof T]-? : T[P]extends K ? P : never
  }[keyof T]
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The sample

type PickByValueProps = {
  req: number
  reqUndef: number | undefinedopt? :string

type PickByValueResult = PickByValue<PickByValueProps, number> //{req: number; reqUndef: number | undefined; }
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Let’s go back to PickByValue with the result. In this case, the first result we want is to filter out all keys whose value type is compatible with number. Because it’s filtering, the outermost layer of PickByValue must be picked.

typePickByValue<T, K> = Pick<T, ... >Copy the code

So for now, all we need to do to implement this function is take care of the second argument. Since the second argument is necessarily a subset of keyof T, what we need to do is derive a compatible keyof type value from the type of value. The next step is necessarily to iterate over the key and get the final subset through {}[keyof T].

type PickByValue<T, K> = Pick<T, {
  [P in keyof T]: ...
}[keyof T]>
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In the process of traversal to determine whether the type of T[P] is compatible with K, the end result is what the implementation looks like.


PickByValueExact is a strict version of PickByValue


export type PickByValueExact<T, ValueType> = Pick<
    [Key inkeyof T]-? : [ValueType]extends [T[Key]]
      ? [T[Key]] extends [ValueType]
        ? Key
        : never
      : never
  }[keyof T]
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The source code is a two-way extends, which feels a little more restrictive with IfEquals.

export type PickByValueExact<T, K> = Pick<
    [P inkeyof T]-? : IfEquals<[K], [T[P]], P> }[keyof T] >Copy the code

The sample

type PickByValueProps = {
  req: number
  reqUndef: number | stringopt? :string

type PickByValueExactResult = PickByValueExact<PickByValueProps, number> //{req: number; }
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The implementation idea is roughly the same as PickByValue. The difference is that PickByValueExact uses IfEquals for strict matching.


The effect of Omit is to reverse Pick, remove the key in generic A that can match generic B.


export type Omit<A, B extends keyof A> = Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, B>>
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type OmitProps = {
  name: string
  age: number
  visible: boolean
  sex: string | number

/ / {
// name: string;
// visible: boolean;
// sex: string | number;
// }
type OmitResult = Omit<OmitProps, 'age'>
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Reverse Pick can be done with the help of Pick, just by processing the second parameter of Pick. Way is to use Exclude generic function of A and B take keyof complement, access to A generic object A filtered in compatible with generic B.


Reverse PickByValue, PickByValue is include only, OmitByValue is filter only.


export type OmitByValue<T, U> = Pick<
    [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends U ? never : P
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The sample

type OmitProps = {
  name: string
  age: number
  visible: boolean
  sex: string | number
/ / {
// age: number;
// visible: boolean;
// sex: string | number;
// }
type OmitByValueResult = OmitByValue<OmitProps, string>
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Similar to PickByValue, you can reverse the extends result by swapping its position. See the analysis of PickByValue for details.



export type OmitByValueExact<T, ValueType> = Pick<
    [Key inkeyof T]-? : [ValueType]extends [T[Key]]
      ? [T[Key]] extends [ValueType]
        ? never
        : Key
      : Key
  }[keyof T]
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Two-way extends is used in the source code to determine whether two types are strictly compatible, which I’ve done here with the IfEquals function.

export type OmitByValueExact<A, B> = Pick<
    [P inkeyof A]-? : IfEquals<A[P], B,never, P>
  }[keyof A]
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The sample

type OmitProps = {
  name: string
  age: number
  visible: boolean
  sex: string | number
/ / {
// name: string
// age: number
// visible: boolean
// }
type OmitByValueExactResult = OmitByValueExact<OmitProps, string | number>
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OmitByValueExact is implemented in a similar way to PickByValueExact, except that the IfEquals function returns the exact exact value in a different position. For details, see the implementation of PickByValueExact.


Intersection is used to get the Intersection of the object type key.


export type Intersection<T extends object, U extends object> = Pick<
  Extract<keyof T, keyof U> & Extract<keyof U, keyof T>
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The sample

type IntersectionProps = {
  name: string
  age: number
  visible: boolean
  value: number
type DefaultProps = { age: number; value: number }
/ / {
// age: number;
// value: number;
// }
type IntersectionResult = Intersection<IntersectionProps, DefaultProps>
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The Intersection function takes two

object types. The result is A Pick at the Intersection of two object types key on A. So we just solve for the intersection of two object types, key, and then Pick A.

To find the intersection, use the Extract generic function, convert A and B to the union type using the index operator, then use Extract to find the intersection of the two union types, and then Pick A.

Personally, I don’t think the second Extract is necessary because the intersection of the two combination types is the same as the one that came first.


The Diff function takes two generic variables T and U, both of which are object types, to get the complement of the generic U on the generic T.


export type Diff<T extends object, U extends object> = Pick<
  Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>
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The sample

type Props = {
  name: string
  age: number
  visible: boolean
  value: number
type Props2 = { age: number; value: number }
/ / {
// name: string;
// visible: boolean;
// }
type DiffResult = Diff<Props, Props2>
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We should already know from the use of the Pick function in the above type functions that Pick is used to handle an object type and return a subset of the object type, so the complement should start with the key of both object types. In the beginning, we mentioned that Exclude is used to find the complement of two union types, so we can get the union type of key of two object types through the index type modifier, then we can get the complement by Exclude, and finally we can get the subset of T by Pick.


Overwrite takes two generic parameters, T and U, both of object type, and overwrites attributes in T if attributes in U also exist in T.


export type Overwrite<
  T extends object,
  U extends Object,
  I = Diff<T, U> & Intersection<U, T>
> = Pick<I, keyof I>
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The sample

type Props1 = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean }
type Props2 = { age: string; other: string }

/ / {
// name: string
// age: string
// visible: boolean
// }
type OverwriteResult = Overwrite<Props1, Props2>
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With knowledge of Diff and Intersection, Overwrite is a piece of cake. We know that Diff is used to get the complement of two generic parameters, and Intersection is used to get the Intersection of two generic parameters, finally synthesizing the crossover type.


. Diff

& Intersection

is all you need.

Let’s look at the type inference results in both cases.

  1. Use a Pick
type OverwriteResult = Overwrite<Props1, Props2>
/ / = >
/ / {
// name: string
// age: string
// visible: boolean
// }
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  1. Do not use a Pick
export type Overwrite<T extends object, U extends Object> = Diff<T, U> &
  Intersection<U, T>
type OverwriteResult = Overwrite<Props1, Props2>
// => Pick<OverwriteProps, "name" | "visible"> & Pick<NewProps, "age">
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As you can see, the results of not using Pick are user-unfriendly, and you cannot see the results of type inference directly from the IDE.


Assign is more powerful than Overwrite. It takes two generic parameters, T and U, and both are of object type. It overwrites attributes in U if they exist in T, and adds them if they don’t.


export type Assign<
  T extends object,
  U extends object,
  I = Diff<T, U> & Intersection<U, T> & Diff<U, T>
> = Pick<I, keyof I>
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The sample

type Props1 = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean }
type Props2 = { age: string; other: string }
/ / {
// name: string;
// age: string;
// visible: boolean;
// other: string;
// }
type AssignResult = Assign<Props1, Props2>
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; Overwrite

; Assign only needs to merge attributes that do not exist on T to T, so you can Diff

to get attributes that do not exist on T, and then cross with the preceding sum.


Unionize takes a generic parameter and is an object type. It is used to convert the object type to the union type of the individual key object.


export type Unionize<T extends object> = {
  [P in keyof T]: { [Q in P]: T[P] }
}[keyof T]
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The sample

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean }
/ / {
// name: string;
// } | {
// age: number;
// } | {
// visible: boolean;
// }
type UnionizeResult = Unionize<Props>
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It’s kind of confusing at first, but if you think about it, you’ve written a lot of this, where you go through the key of the object, you construct the value into an object, and then you take the union type of all the values through the index operator.


PromiseType Specifies the generic type used to obtain a Promise.


export type PromiseType<T extends Promise<unknown>> = T extends Promise<infer V>
  ? V
  : never
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The sample

// string
type PromiseTypeResult = PromiseType<Promise<string>>
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Infer is used in PromiseType. The function of infer is to make delay inference in condition types. Infer can achieve powerful functions by being excellent.

PromiseType (s) PromiseType (s) PromiseType (s) PromiseType (s) PromiseType (s) PromiseType (s)

Think about it. What if you deeply parse Promise generics? 🤔


In utility-types, the recursive types of DeepX are basically the same. The logic of X has been analyzed above. The main analysis is Deep logic.


export type DeepReadonly<T> = T extends ((. args:any[]) = > any) | Primitive
  ? T
  : T extends _DeepReadonlyArray<infer U>
  ? _DeepReadonlyArray<U>
  : T extends _DeepReadonlyObject<infer V>
  ? _DeepReadonlyObject<V>
  : T
export interface _DeepReadonlyArray<T> extends ReadonlyArray<DeepReadonly<T>> {}
export type _DeepReadonlyObject<T> = {
  readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepReadonly<T[P]>
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The sample

typeProps = { first? : { second? : { name? :string}}}type DeepReadonlyResult = DeepReadonly<Props>
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The array and object types are processed separately in the source code. You can see that the _DeepReadonlyObject generic function calls DeepReadonly again for recursive parsing during the process of traversing T.

Think about it, why are there no circular references? 🤔


Optional accepts two generic parameters, T and K. T is an object type, and K is a subset of all key union types of T. It converts the attributes of T compatible with K to Optional.


export type Optional<
  T extends object,
  K extends keyof T = keyof T,
  I = Omit<T, K> & Partial<Pick<T, K>>
> = Pick<I, keyof I>
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The sample

type Props = {
  first: string
  second: number
  third: boolean
/ / {
// first? : string
// second? : number
// third: boolean
// }
type OptionsalResult = Optional<Props, 'first' | 'second'>
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So let’s think about what we need to do to make this happen.

Since we’re dealing with some attributes, we can delete them first and then merge them when we’re done, which is exactly what the source code does.

If you read it in order, it’s already done what the generalizations of Omit and Pick do, so you can use Omit first. Then use Pick to keep only the properties to be processed and use the Partial generic function, and finally use the crossover type to combine the two.


ValuesType takes a generic parameter, which can be an array or an object, to get the associative type of the value. Array is more of a tuple here, since all elements in a normal array are of the same type, there is no need for union.


export type ValuesType<
  T extends Array<any> | ReadonlyArray<any> | ArrayLike<any> | object
> = T extends Array<any> | ReadonlyArray<any> | ArrayLike<any>? T[number]
  : T extends object
  ? T[keyof T]
  : never
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The sample

type Props = {
  first: string
  second: number
  third: boolean
// string | number | boolean
type ValuesTypeResult = ValuesType<Props>
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ValuesType processing parameters are divided into two parts: array processing and object processing. The use of T[number] for arrays is elegant and the easiest way to convert tuples to union types; For objects, we use the index operator.


ArgumentsRequired, like Optional, is used to make certain attributes of an object mandatory


export type ArgumentsRequired<
  T extends object,
  K extends keyof T = keyof T,
  I = Omit<T, K> & Required<Pick<T, K>>
> = Pick<I, keyof I>
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The sample

typeProps = { name? :stringage? :numbervisible? :boolean
/ / {
// name: string
// age: number
// visible: boolean
// }
type ArgumentsRequiredResult = ArgumentsRequired<Props>
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The implementation of the resolution can see Optional, here will not say much.


A particularly simple approach has been mentioned in ValuesType. There is another way to learn.

Tuple types are compatible with array types in the type system.

// 'true'
type ret = [number.string] extends Array<any>?'true' : 'false'
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So you can use infer to infer the generic type of an array.


export type TupleToUnion<T extends any[]> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : never
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The sample

// string | number
type TupleToUnionResult = TupleToUnion<[string.number] >Copy the code


UnionToIntersection is used to convert a union type to an intersection type


export type UnionToIntersection<T> = (T extends any
? (arg: T) = > void
: never) extends (arg: infer V) => void
  ? V
  : never
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The sample

type UnionToIntersectionResult = UnionToIntersection<
  { name: string } | { age: number } | { visible: boolean }
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UnionToIntersection is a generic function that needs to be understood. It uses the TypeScript type system concept that multiple candidate types of variables of the same type will be inferred to be intersecting types. This is the inverse knowledge of TS type system function parameter positions. Contravariant and covariant this article says very clearly, can in-depth understanding.

With the TS type system in mind, UnionToIntersection is easy to understand. It is known that the generic function accepts a union type, and then builds multiple candidate types of variables of the same type through distributed conditional types, and then uses delayed inference to obtain the type of V.


Reading the advanced types in utility-types, I realized that TypeScript is much more than just assigning a type to a function’s argument position. It’s important to make good use of TypeScript’s type inference capabilities. Making a function type-inferential can actually write a type longer than the code it runs. To make the code more stable and better understood by your colleagues, we sometimes have to do the same 😭. Don’t make your TypeScript AnyScript.