JavaScript is simple

JavaScript is a junk language
Javascript is the product of a one-night stand between C and Self

Web services Performance test: Node beats Java

JavaScript open

Why resist some of the ES6 standards

ECMAScript 6

1. Class-inheritance looks beautiful

class MetaLanguage extends Language { constructor(x, y, z, version) { super(x, y, z); this.version = version; } summary() { return version; }}

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Lisaac, for example, produces code almost as fast as C. The tests are derived from the Lisaac version of the MPEG-2 encoder, which is copied from a C language version. Tests showed that the Lisaac version was 1.9% slower than the C version, but had 37% fewer lines of code. C, however, is not an object-oriented language, but a procedural language. Lisaac is perhaps even more revealing than the C++ version.

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Why do they say that object orientation has problems and discuss some drawbacks of object orientation

2. The new expression of function

let empty = ->; let square = (x) -> x * x; $("#shopping-chart").on('click', (event)=> this.customer.purchase(this.chart); ) ; [1, 2, 3].map{|x| x * x}; / / [1, 4, 9]

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3. Some Java and Node module management

module DBLayer { export function query(s) { ... } export function connection(.. args) { ... } } import DBLayer.*; module CanvasLib = require('http://.. /canvas.js'); import CanvasLib.{Triangle, rotate};

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Aim for minimalism, not minimalism
Stable, flexible, minimising grammatical constraints so as to combine free and varied uses,
Effectively control the complexity of the language

Thoughts on ECMAScript 6 and new syntax


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