What’s the boiling point

Boiling point is a circle of friends for digg friends, a small space for developers to communicate. Whether you want to take a break to fish, discuss a technology problem, have a financial conversation, work out, or meet someone. As long as it is the direction that we developers are interested in, we can see fresh content here, and find partners with common interests!

Boiling point circle

  • Definition of a circle

A circle is a gathering place for friends. Some people get together because of common interests. For example, if a lot of digg friends like technology products, they can join the “science and technology exchange circle” to chat about the newly launched products and watch apple’s launch event together.

  • Type of circle

There are more than 30 circles around the interests of developers, including “eating, drinking and playing”, “book, video and music”, “workplace”, “technology” and “financial management”. Each circle has its own rules. It’s a small world of people with the same interests. I understand what you’re saying.

Work boring, come to “work fish” rest. To make fun of work life, let’s talk about the daily life of a worker. If you want to change your job, don’t miss the “push recruitment square”.

  • How to play circles

Select the circle you like to join, enter the details page of the circle, you can browse all the boiling points of the circle. Don’t have enough circles to follow? Try clicking circle Square to discover more interesting circles.

When publishing the boiling point on the home page, remember to choose the tag of the circle, so that the circle partners can see your content in time!

These circles need special attention:

  • Gold Digger official: used for official announcements and community events, other users please do not use this circle.

  • Boiling point benefits: This is the “boiling point official benefits” circle for friends, can only be officially published, or with official partners published.

  • Feedback and suggestions: the place where users send feedback and suggestions, we can put forward requirements and feedback bugs to the nuggets here.

Warning: boiling points that do not meet the requirements of the topic will be removed from the topic and keep the original content

Boiling point topic

  • Definition of topic

The topic is mainly around a hot current event, or a point of view, to express their views. Just like the hot topic # Xiaomi changed its logo, what do you think? Should we buy things on instalments? #, we can discuss and exchange ideas under specific topics.

  • How to play the topic

There are recommended topics in the topic list of the home page and the details page of individual circles. Select the topic you are interested in and enter the topic details page. You can see all boiling points under the topic and click to participate in the discussion.

When publishing the boiling point on the home page, remember to choose the tag of the topic, so that partners who pay attention to the topic can see your content in time! Of course, you can also choose the appropriate circle tag to increase the exposure of boiling point.

Boiling point recommendation notes

The boiling point of your hair is generally recommended, but note that the following categories will not be recommended.

  1. Does not meet the boiling point requirements of the circle bulletin
  2. With the Beauty of the net map to fishing and other advertising, drainage post
  3. Three views are not straight, related to yellow, lead to war, hang the content
  4. Tree hole, push recruitment ads, nuggets dating, feedback and suggestions of these four circles. When it comes to sending resumes via email or adding friends on wechat or QQ, you should sharpen your eyes and be sure not to be deceived