In this document, all ~~~ are the same user-defined folder name. Generally, the project name is used

2.1. Why Nginx access?

FastDFS uses the Tracker server to store files on the Storage server. However, file replication is required between Storage servers in the same group, resulting in synchronization delay.

Suppose the Tracker server uploads the file to, and the file ID is returned to the client. In this case, the FastDFS storage cluster mechanism synchronizes the file to the same storage group If a client uses this file ID to fetch files from before the file replication is complete, the file cannot be accessed.

Fastdfs-nginx-module redirects the file connection to the source server where the file is uploaded, avoiding the file failure caused by the replication delay

2.2. Installation fastdfs – nginx – module

2.2.1. Unpack

The tar - ZXVF fastdfs - nginx - module_v1. 16. The tar. GzCopy the code

2.2.2. Modify the config

1) Go to the SRC directory

cd fastdfs-nginx-module/src/Copy the code

2) Edit config

vim configCopy the code

Use the following bottom line command:

:%s+/usr/local/+/usr/+gCopy the code

Replace all /usr/local with /usr, which is the correct directory:

2.2.3. Configure the FastDFS profile associated with nginx

Copy the fastdfs-nginx-module configuration file to /etc/fdfs and modify it

cp /usr/local/leyou/fastdfs-nginx-module/src/mod_fastdfs.conf /etc/fdfs/
vi /etc/fdfs/mod_fastdfs.confCopy the code

Modify the following configuration:

connect_timeout=10                       Client access file connection timeout duration (unit: seconds)Tracker_server = tracker service IP address and port. The IP address is the TRACKER service IP address of the vm. The port number is the default fastdFS port number
url_have_group_name=true                Access links are prefixed with the group nameStore_path0 =/ User-defined file path (indicated by ~~~ later) /storage# File storage pathCopy the code

Copy part of the FastDFS configuration file to the /etc/fdfs directory

cd /usr/local/~~~/FastDFS/conf/
cp http.conf mime.types /etc/fdfs/Copy the code

2.3. Install the Nginx plug-in

2.3.1. If nginx has not been installed

  • Install nginx dependency libraries

yum -y install gcc pcre pcre-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-develCopy the code

  • Decompress the installation package

The tar - ZXVF nginx - 1.10.0. Tar. GzCopy the code

  • Configure the nginx installation package and specify fastdfs-nginx-model

cd/configure --prefix=/opt/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/bin/nginx --add-module=/usr/local/~~~/fastdfs-nginx-module/srcCopy the code

Note: in the execution. / configure nginx configuration parameters, you need to fastdfs nginx – moudle source as modules compiled in.

  • Compile and install

make && make installCopy the code

2.3.2. If nginx has been installed

1) Enter nginx directory:

cd /usr/local/ ~ ~ ~ / nginx 1.10.0 /Copy the code

2) Configure the FastDFS module

./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/bin/nginx --add-module=/usr/local/~~~/fastdfs-nginx-module/srcCopy the code

Note: In this configuration, add the Fastdfs-nginx-moudle module

3) Compile, do not install this time

makeCopy the code

4) Replace nginx binaries:


mv /usr/bin/nginx /usr/bin/nginx-bakCopy the code

Use the newly compiled nginx startup file instead of the original:

cp objs/nginx /usr/bin/Copy the code

2.3.3. Start nginx

Configure nginx to integrate the Fastdfs-module module

We need to modify nginx configuration file in/opt/nginx/config/nginx. Conf file:

vim  /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.confCopy the code

Put files in the original server 80{… } part of the code is replaced with the following code:


Nginx start:

nginx   # start nginx
nginx -s stop   # stop nginx
nginx -s reload Reload the configuration fileCopy the code

# by ps – ef | grep nginx see if nginx has started successfully

Above is the master process and below is the worker process. If there is only one process optional configuration problem, the number of working processes in the plotter configuration, but generally for the number of CPU cores

2.3.4. Set nginx to boot upon startup

Create a startup script:

vim /etc/init.d/nginxCopy the code

Add the following:

shell Code

Modify the file permission and add the file to the service list

# change permissionCopy the code
chmod 777 /etc/init.d/nginx Copy the code

Add to the list of servicesCopy the code
chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/nginx Copy the code

 Copy the code

Setting boot

chkconfig nginx onCopy the code