What is web – vitals

Web-vitals was started by Google to provide a unified guide to the kinds of quality signals that we believe are essential to providing a great web user experience. It can obtain three key indicators (CLS, FID, LCP) and two auxiliary indicators (FCP, TTFB).

SRC \index.js contains web-vitals in the react project created with create-react-app:

The web – use vitals

1. Use it as an NPM package

import {getLCP, getFID, getCLS} from 'web-vitals';

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2. Use the CDN form

(function() {
  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = 'https://unpkg.com/web-vitals';
  script.onload = function() {
    // When loading `web-vitals` using a classic script, all the public
    // methods can be found on the `webVitals` global namespace.
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3, through the form of Google plug-in to use (requires scientific Internet access) download link

Points to note:

  • 1. Not all cases report specific indicators

A. FCP, FID, and LCP are not reported if the user never interacts with the page. B. Server-side rendered pages are not reported

  • 2. Some metrics will exist

A. CLS B should be reported whenever the page visibilityState changes to Hidden. CLS, FCP, FID, LCP are reported when using the browser to move forward or backward

  • 3. Report each value change
import {getCLS} from 'web-vitals';

// Logs CLS as the value changes.
getCLS(console.log, true);  // Add one more parameter
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4. Only the amount that has changed is allowed to be reported (the difference between the current value and the last reported value)

import {getCLS, getFID, getLCP} from 'web-vitals';

function logDelta({name, id, delta}) {
  console.log(`${name} matching ID ${id} changed by ${delta}`);

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5. Performance data can be visualized by sending indicator data to the performance data visualization tool, but you need to use a Google account to bind performance data

6. Introduction of API

/ / target name name: ‘CLS’ | ‘FCP’ | ‘FID’ | ‘LCP’ | ‘TTFB’;

// The value of the current indicator in milliseconds value: number;

// The difference between the current value and the last reported value. // In the first report, “delta” and “value” will always be the same. delta: number;

// represents a unique ID for this particular metric, which is specific to the current page. Analysis tools can use this ID for deduplication // to send multiple values for the same metric, or to combine multiple increments // and calculate totals. id: string;

// All effect entries used in the index value calculation. // Notice that items are added to the array as the value changes. entries: (PerformanceEntry | FirstInputPolyfillEntry | NavigationTimingPolyfillEntry)[];

7. Compatibility:

getCLS(): Chromium,
getFCP(): Chromium, Safari Technology Preview
getFID(): Chromium, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (with the polyfill)
getLCP(): Chromium
getTTFB(): Chromium, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer
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8, original address: github.com/GoogleChrom…