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SpaceVim is a community-driven collection of modular VIM/Neovim configurations that contain multiple functional modules and have been optimized for Neovim. Spacevim has a variety of functional modules to choose from, and by selecting specific modules for each language, you can configure an environment suitable for that particular language.

You can submit an issue on Github if you encounter problems or have functional requirements, which will be easier to focus on and fix. We also welcome users who like Vim/ Neovim to join our QQ group to discuss viM-related skills. Click to join our Vim/SpaceVim group.


  • Great documentation: access documentation in Vim with SPC h SPC.
  • Beautiful UI: you’ll love the awesome UI and its useful features.
  • Mnemonic key bindings: all key bindings have mnemonic prefixes.
  • Describe key bindings: use SPC h d k to describe key bindings, and find definition of key bindings.
  • Lazy load plugins: Lazy-load 90% of plugins with dein.vim
  • Awesome statusline: a heavily customized modular statusline.
  • Neovim centric: Dark powered mode of SpaceVim