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Jaxenter recently released its top 10 hottest skills and technologies of 2018

Go made the top 10, making it one of the most popular skills of 2018. Jaxenter recently compiled a list of the best Golang tools from GitHub to help developers who like to program with Go. Here’s a look at some of them

1, Go to Revive

Revive is a Go language code quality detection tool (Linter for Go) that is fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful, and can be used as an alternative to Golint.

While Golint is popular, revive offers many new features worth your time, for example, it runs faster (up to 6x!). , allows linting rules to be configured using TOML files, and provides more rules.

On the Go Revive more information can be found on the lot (making address:

2, Go Callvis

Be sure to bookmark this visualization tool. You can use Go Callvis to visualize the call diagram of the Go program. The development tool has an interactive view using the HTTP server.

From GitHub: “The purpose of this tool is to provide a visual overview of a program by using data from a function call diagram and its relationship to packages and types. This is especially useful in large projects where you are just trying to understand the structure of someone else’s code, or where code complexity increases. (making address:

3, Gaia

Gaia is an open source automation platform that supports DevOps, Hashicorp-based Go-Plugin, and gRPC. Gaia is efficient, fast, lightweight, and developer-friendly.

One of the smoothest things about Gaia is its smooth and smooth user interface, which, in addition to having a nice look, can also be used quickly with a kernel written by Go. In alpha, Gaia is not yet recommended for mission-critical use. (GitHub address:

4, Realize

Realize is a Go tool that focuses on speeding up and improving developers’ workflows, automating users’ workflows, integrating other tools with third parties, defining custom CLI commands, and reloading projects with each change without having to stop writing code. (address:

5, Gotests

Gotests makes it easy to write Go tests. It is a Golang command-line tool that generates table-driven tests based on the functional and method signatures of the target source file. You have many different plug-ins to choose from, including: Emacs, Vim, Atom editor, Visual Studio code, IntelliJ Goland, and Sublime Text 3 plug-ins. (making address:

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