MybatisCodeHelperPro plugin plugin address:… MybatisCodeHelperPro plugin address:…

Most of the features in the plugin are free and the free features can be used forever

The function point Inactive version Activate the version
Interface with XML cross-jump hd icon replaceable icon
Interface method name reconstruction
Add param annotations with one click
Automatic message for PARam in XML Automatic message for IF test resultMap refid
Properties in the resultMap automatically prompt
Detecting unused XML can be deleted with one click
Check if the method in mybatis interface has implementation, if not, create an empty XML method block
Check whether the ResultMap property is incorrect
Intellij’s Spring injection no longer reports error support for SpringBoot
One-click generation of paging queries
One-click add a resultMap attribute that is not used
Generate testCase of mybatis interface with one click
Generate SQL by method name
Generate CRUD code from the database
Generate CRUD code from Java classes
Param prompt in XML collection
Automatic SQL completion to identify mybatis tags

Here are the free features of the plugin

Interface with XML cross-jump HD icon change icon jump using shortcut keys

Interface method Name Reconstruction resultMap reconstruction refid Reconstruction

Add param annotations with one click

Auto-prompt for PARam in XML version 2.0.2 supports adding jdbcType

The automatic prompt for if test will tell you whether it is null for each param and whether it is null for a string

Auto prompt for property in the resultMap Auto prompt for refid and resultMap

Check whether the XML has the corresponding interface. Check whether the interface method has the corresponding XML

Plug-in support for Spring

This extension adds support for MapperScannerConfigurer in the MYbatis @mapperscan annotation XML Wildcard characters * and ** are supported

Support for Spring mapperScan works as well as MapperScannerConfigurer

Support for wildcards

The one-click generate query paging plug-in relies on pageHelper for paging

All of the above features are free

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