[Ali Cloud TXD Monthly] – Hot front-end technology bulletin, focusing on the new vision of the industry; As the wind blows in May, join us for a look at where the new winds are blowing and what new fields will be affected by the technological forces at the front.

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Learning column

“React Hooks”

React Hooks? ! If you want to be a front-end geek and write cool code, learn the latest Hooks with @X-Cold. Read the original article here, step into the world of React Hooks.

28 JavaScript Skills to Be an Intermediate Front-end Engineer

For students who are still looking for a job in the graduation season, it can be said that it is very practical. If you can master all these skills, it should be no problem to get several offers. Of course, you should pay attention to the accumulation of usual skills and comprehensive ability.

Node.js Technology Stack

Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack: Node.js server stack

News flash

Github has launched a bundle management repository

Now using Github, your team can publish public/private packages to Github’s package management repository. The current types include Npm, Docker, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, and more are being added. And the hosting service is completely free. [Stamp 👇 portal]

Flutter implements Web access, adding desktop and embedded application scenarios

At Google I/O 2019, The Flutter Team announced that The new features of Flutter include Web access, a custom image classification model, and its ability to be used on desktops and embedded devices. This demonstrates Flutter’s ambition to move from a mobile UI to multiple platforms. The first preview version of Flutter for Web has been released. You can check out the information on the website for a taste of Flutter and experience surprises. Facebook announced its steady support for RN at its annual developer conference, but will RN continue to falter?

HTML and DOM standards are unified

The W3C has announced an agreement with the WHATWG that the HTML and DOM standards will follow the WHATWG, meaning there will be only one HTML standard. Is the so-called separation, together for a long time will be divided, but most of the framework engineers are not very much (pierced heart) [stamp 👇 portal]

Now and the Future: An Overview of the Web in 2019

Philippe Le Hegaret, Director general of Web Technology at W3C, introduced the current focus of Web technology at QCon 2019. In the future, W3C will focus on expanding into new areas, one of the most important is the Internet of cars. It is expected to create a general Web technology solution suitable for the Internet of vehicles. In terms of expanding core capabilities, WebRTC (Video calling), Web Assembly (Performance, language ecology), WebPerf (Performance Management), Service Workers (offline), Web Components (Components) and so on, the prospects are so good. Hopefully the technology described in this article will soon be available to front-end developers. [Portal]

Ant Design 4.0 is underway!

The Ant Design team released the 4.0 development plan, which will use the latest React API, drop ie9/10 support, and add a Design asset management toolkit, which is expected to be available to future designers

Tools recommended

Microsoft releases Windows Terminal

Microsoft is rolling out a new command-line Terminal tool called Windows Terminal. It is designed to access environments such as PowerShell, Cmd, and Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL). Microsoft is adding multiple tabs, split Windows, shortcut support, plus support for themes and customization for developers who want to tweak terminal tools. Microsoft unveiled the new Windows terminal app at Build 2019. [stamp 👇 portal 1], [stamp 👇 Portal 2]

VSCode added Remote Development features

With the Remote Development feature, developers can develop and debug in a Remote environment, with code highlighting and add-ons as if they were using it locally

EdgeDB – The next generation database

EdgeDB combines the simplicity of a NoSQL database with the powerful queries, rigor, consistency, and performance of a relational model. GraphQL is naturally supported. Database selection is a choice. [Stamp 👇 portal]

Operational Transformation based real-time database ShareDB

ShareDB is a realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT) of JSON documents. It is the realtime backend for the DerbyJS web application framework.

The create – react – app release 3.0

Support for React-hooks code style validation, TypeScript Lint, Jest 24.

Popular articles

The Road to Taiwanization of Front-end Capabilities — The Growth history of Fusion Design

This refined version of FDCON 2019 talk introduces the evolution of Fusion Design, the front-end component library, as well as the thinking behind many features, including some future explorations

Exploring front-end Development Patterns in Serverless

Front-end engineers are always breaking boundaries. They have reached out their tentacles in Web, App, desktop and server, etc. With the emergence of Serverless, what kind of wind direction and trend can it lead in the front-end circle

Brief Introduction to front-end Architecture of Large Projects (8000 words original)

In this paper, from the basic layer design to the application layer design of a variety of schemes, platforms and so on to do a simple introduction, from the macro aspect introduced a large front-end architecture rudiment, can be in their own technical design to do a reference

Close Reading introduction to Function Component

If you’re going to use React 16 or are already using React 16, I recommend reading this document and switching from the traditional Class Component mindset to Function Component. Use Hooks to build your React app.

Little interest

Download links for all versions of IE

An IE enthusiast collected all the download links from IE1 to IE12 and EDGE. The new VERSION of IE has embraced Chromium and the old IE is coming to the museum. [IE Time Machine]